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07-29-2002, 08:44 PM
DarkHoodness's Avatar
Page 7, Post 199
: Apr 2001
: In a box.
: 3,438
Blog Entries: 53
Rep Power: 27
DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)

"Bye! Thanks for comming!"
Blue waves back at her grandfather as she loads the last bag of vegetables into the back of her go-kart, before hopping into the front of the vehicle and starting her long journey back to Little Ampton. Today was a good day for trading: She managed to swap half her large catch of fresh fish at Plathill for five bags of vegetables. Maybe she could go to the industrial part of Little Ampton tommorrow and trade 3 bags of veggies for a can of feul.
She pushes the thought of trading aside for now, for all she wanted to do was get home before it got dark, and she didn't have long; The sun had already set below the horizon. Driving faster down the unmade road from Plathill, she eventaully reaches the road between Little Ampton and Carthag, and looks both ways. No other vehicles were visable in either direction.
"Hmmm. . . The roads are quiet tonight." She says to herself as she makes the left turn towards Little Ampton.
About 15 minutes of driving later, she begins to smell salt in the air, indicating that it wasn't far to go before she got home. Humming a tune to herself, she drives further down the road, until suddenly she notices a lone slig on the road side.
This slig wasn't an ordinary slig: He was white in colour, and also he was alone, which was unushal for sligs.
"Poor thing must be lost. . ." She thinks as she passes him.
Suddenly, Blue feels the Kart shudder as the engine dies, and she slowly begins to slow down.
"Ah, bollocks. Thats another Spark plug gone. . ."
She steers the kart over to the roadside, and manages to get safley off the road before the kart comes to a halt. . .
- DH

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