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05-14-2021, 12:55 PM
Nicky Ali's Avatar
Nicky Ali
: Sep 2016
: England
: 72
Rep Power: 8
Nicky Ali  (121)Nicky Ali  (121)

Assuming there's going to be a next game
Yeah kinda optimistic of me, the future of this series is always pretty up in the air isn't it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think in general it's pretty interesting seeing the cynicism surrounding Soulstorm. I'm not as harsh on it as others but I won't lie a lot of the disappointment feels justified.

If there ever is a next game (and I really hope there is a next game) I really hope they actually get it together and deliver something that can stand up. I'll say one thing, they've got a good thing going with the cutscenes, the cinematics are easily the best part of Soulstorm.

I think this series has too much untapped potential to just die right when it was getting started again.
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