thread: The Future
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06-29-2020, 12:58 AM
Bixer's Avatar
: Jul 2007
: London
: 50
Rep Power: 17
Bixer  (21)

Joined here in 2007, I think after getting stuck after managing to 'break' Abe's Oddysee where I somehow managed to bypass a Slig I wasn't supposed to and as such was trapped forever...

Never been much of a regular (as you can see from my post count), but I come back every so often, usually when replaying an Oddworld game of some kind - started (and very quicky disliked) New 'n' Tasty last night for the first time, hence my presence again today.

But yeah, every time I do come back this place just seems to be deader and deader. I suppose it's not surprising given how slow development on Soulstorm has been, but the fact there are still threads from 2018 on the front page of the 'Oddworld Discussion' section tells you all you need to know.

And for what it's worth, I'm only a few months off 30 and I'm not sure I could really even explain to you what Discord is, let alone whether I like it or not.
''Pokemon! Pokemon With the Poke and the Mon and the bit where the guy comes out the thing, and he bites the Blah bah bah bua'' - Bill Cosby

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