thread: The Future
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06-19-2020, 05:16 AM
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: Jun 2008
: Your mother
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Been a while hey. I've hopped onto the Discord, Soulstorm news reeled me back in. I don't read it that much, but I'm around.

As STM said we chat every 6 months. I go through patches of chatting with MM too.

I was 12 when I joined. Lots of stuff went over my head and I was scared to open the Zoophilia thread. I'd like to thank the members of this forum for making me realize how dumb anime was from a young age otherwise I might have turned into a disgusting weeb in my teens.

Totally agree with STM that the thought and effort that went into forums was special. Sad to see them die off, not just here but across the whole internet.

I stopped posting here regularly in 2014, the year I started uni. In the last 6 years I started and dropped out of a music degree, then started and finished a Computer Science degree and entered the workforce. I have a desk job at a bank now, programming 9-5. I live in Melbourne as of this year which is much cooler than where I grew up. Also been with my awesome GF for 2 years this month.

I commentate video game tournaments in my spare time. Done a few live events now, the highlight so far was being on stage at PAX Australia 2018. Ramping up for more in the next year or so - corona has already cancelled a few events sadly.

I was really lost in the world when I was a teen. Felt alone and sad and angry a lot, and didn't have many people close to me. Having a space online to come talk shit and make friends meant a lot. I have kind of worked my shit out these days. Life is pretty good.

Hope everyone is doing ok, especially with how this year has been. Look after yourselves.
PHYLUM I SUMMONED YE. So glad to hear you're doing OK, matey. I remember someone saying, I think it was OANST, that people tend to leave OWF once they get their shit together. I think we've almost passed that point now though. Everyone I've spoken to from OWF recently seems to be doing better now than ever. You love to hear it.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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