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04-19-2019, 11:36 PM
Nemin's Avatar
: Apr 2011
: Hungary
: 171
Rep Power: 14
Nemin  (219)Nemin  (219)Nemin  (219)

I've no idea how I'm supposed to know how many hours I've played AO for so I'll just call it 150 and be done with it, that sounds about right.
Well yeah... In hindsight that was a stupid thing to ask, you're very much not the first person to say this.

Also I've completed 6 Oddworld games but 5 is the highest value :c
I'm guessing GB ports and NnT aren't included in that count? (Oddworld Adventures 2 is a solid GBC game, I'm not even being sarcastic.
AO,AE,MO,SW and NnT, that's the five I counted. I frankly didn't think that anyone cared for the GBA games.

Last thing, I hate the "did you find the last section hard" question. I found it somewhat mildly challenging. Maybe nail-biting, had to get some of my rusty gears turning again, I wouldn't say hard, but the only answers are no and yes. How am I supposed to drag my ballsack across the top of the fence if there isn't even a fence riding option?!
Well to most people the answer was clear-cut.

Anyway neat survey, there's a satisfying feeling to filling out a survey, makes you feel important like you have a semblance of relevance. The fact that all the data gets poured into a spreadsheet anonymously doesn't matter, I got asked for my opinion!
Thanks for your answer! And I'm glad you liked it, despite these rookie mistakes.
Probably the only active Hungarian on OWF. - My essays and other Oddworld-related content.

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