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06-14-2018, 03:17 PM
: Jun 2018
: a house
: 7
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meech121  (33)

Interesting, Havoc - thanks for going indepth.

My biggest gripe with JAW was mostly that Stewart seemed to be a sourpuss most of the time with no sense of humor what so ever. I think he visited these forums a few times and was promptly insulted by everything he read, even if some of it was fair criticism.
Oh, yeah. Stew was a bit of a plonker. When Oddboxx first released in 2010 it was piss poor, prompting a megathread on another forum filled with complaints and people calling out JAW for rushing the port. Stewart showed up trying to explain himself, revealed that he was very out of touch with modern PC gaming (and therefore probably shouldn't be in charge of a PC port) and was given a bollocking by some very angry people who felt conned out of their money. He deserved that public steamrolling, as the Oddworld IP should've been treated with more respect.

JAW had no experience porting console games to PC but they blagged OWI for the contract anyway. As a result Oddworld fans were left out of pocket with ports that barely worked on release. However, NNT is pretty solid and graphically it does look great, which shows they have some talented people working for them especially on the design side of things, and the games have since been patched. I'll give them that, in the interest of fairness.

Last edited by meech121; 06-15-2018 at 07:15 PM..
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