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04-06-2017, 04:52 AM
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: Apr 2005
: Sydney, Australia
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If anyone is interested, I found the original account of Lulu and Sask, which is far more detailed:

Well, this is the different status levels of Glukkons that you'll find on the terrain of Oddworld. These guys are always running factories to some degree, as managers or CEOs or whatever. This guy's based on Mullock; he was the one from Rupture Farms in the last game, right? And we started to see some of these guys, these wanna-be Glukkons; we call them Jr. Executives, in Abe's Exoddus. These guys have more power than the Jr. Executives, who have more power than the plant managers, who have more power than the shop steward. So these guys are just puds, he's a chump, he's a wanna-be, he's a Big Cheese, and he's a Glock Star. Now, this is the social hiearchy of the male Glukkons. Then the females are queens and they're in a whole different level.

In the story of Munch's Oddysee, they find that in order to get back to Vykker's Labs-which is where Munch escaped from, and where Abe's mother is being held captive-they're told by the Almighty Raisen, "There's no way you guys are gonna get to Vykker's Labs; it's impregnible. It's huge, it's a fortress. You're never gonna get in there. Unless... There's one way; there's this one incompetent Glukkon named Lulu." This is Lulu: he's just a Pud. His business card would say "Lulu: Pud."

What you have to do is you have to make Lulu's job successful. You have to make Lulu successful at being a Glukkon. So you're operating behind the scenes as Munch and Abe, and you'll be possessing Lulu and doing different things with him, and you'll be reading his itinerary, all the things that he's supposed to do.

And you'll see little video blurbs, like the first time you see him, he'll be sleeping and another guy, Sask, who's his boss, who is just a plant steward guy, will be yelling, "Hey, you idiot! Wake up!" And Lulu will be saying, "Uh, yes, boss!" And he'll be yelling, "Lulu, you've gotta do this and if you don't do it, goddamnit, you're fired! That's it; you'll be through!" And Lulu will be there, going, "Yes, boss!" But when he leaves, he'll go, "Duh, what'd he say?" and the way that we do him will be cute and funny. And what you have to do as Abe and Munch, who are available on your controller at all times, is that you have to get Lulu promoted through the Glukkon ranks.

So, let's say his first task was there was a pen of scrabs in the back yard that need to be chopped up, and those 500 pound of meat should be sent off to such-and-such a facility. And you go, ok: Abe and Munch, they could possess Lulu and get him to GameSpeak Sligs around and get them to chop up the scrabs, turn them into meat, and get the job done for Lulu, but in the end they're just looking for meat. His bosses don't know necessarily that it's scrab meat. Lulu just needs so many of those round barrels of meat to be successful at his job, by which he'll get promoted. And if we do that, he'll get promoted. However, that's bad quorma, because you're chopping up scrabs.

So, around the corner, there's a Slig picnic going on, a Slig company picnic. You could chop up all the Sligs, out of which you'll get the same barrels of meat, but you'll also get several extra barrels of scrap, because Sligs have mechanical pants. So now when you deliver that to where it was supposed to go, not only do they think you did what you were supposed to do, but you also got these extra materials, too, this scrap. And it's like, "Lulu, you're a genius! Not only did you get the scrab meat here, but there's all this scrap, too! How'd you do it? You're a clever guy!" On that basis, Lulu's given missions definitely give you bad quorma. However, there are always multiple solutions, so that you don't have to get bad quorma as you're promoting Lulu.

The idea is that you're promoting Lulu up through the ranks, so Lulu is staying with you on your playing field though at least half of this game. There's all these Lulu missions: it's like, "Ok, Lulu, at this plant over there, those guys ran away because the Mudokens scared them off. You've got to go over and get that place operational again." So you take Abe and Munch and go over there and try to get the place to work for Lulu, who's always falling asleep, smoking his cigars, reading girly magazines, that sort of stuff; he's never doing what he's supposed to be doing. You've got to get the operations happening for him.
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

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