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02-17-2017, 06:03 PM
MrsKJJ's Avatar
: Jan 2017
: DisneyLand
: 72
Rep Power: 8
MrsKJJ  (203)MrsKJJ  (203)MrsKJJ  (203)

Best Text Wall Generator
Kjjcarpenter won this one. I wouldn't know, I haven't read his posts. Too long.
Shoop Da Whoop!

Most Frequently Seen in "Who's Online?" But is
Never Actually Seen Posting

This is a landslide tie between Ravkarorgeforg and germichlgboulg, true enigmas of our time.
Well deserved. They truly make Oddworld great. They don't need to say anything, but their presence makes the place warm and fuzzy, don't you agree?

Member Most Deserving of a Custom Title (And Suggest What it Should Be)

Dwayne “Varrok” Johnson (?????)

I agree with that last suggestion in saying "?????". Powerful words.
The funniest part is he doesn't know who Dwayne Johnson is.

Worst English of the Year
Kapteeni won this one, and well deserved. I say that in the most loving possible way.
His captions make his play-throughs both hilarious and charming. Keep up the good work Kapteeni!

So, all in all, a pretty fun year on OWF. I know I give all you guys shit a lot, but just know that it's always in good fun and I love you all.
You know who the real winners are here? We are

Guineapiglet is actually, since she made a trophy graphic.
That is a mighty fine trophy Guineapiglet, well earned!

But yay everyone!!!
I just like the little scrab. He looks so happy, he doesn't know life ends as a cake.
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