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02-17-2017, 05:45 PM
MrsKJJ's Avatar
: Jan 2017
: DisneyLand
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MrsKJJ  (203)MrsKJJ  (203)MrsKJJ  (203)

Honestly a part of me agrees... I feel like this thread has turned to shit at this point and everyone's just fucking around or getting butthurt. But I fear if we make another thread, the same jokers will joke around with their joke votes again because the joke has to be kept alive.
That basically sums it up. At the point it is now though, nothing will come of it. We either restart, or we just scrap it entirely and forget. People thought it was a joke, whether or not this is because change scares them, but it was treated as a joke and has grown as such.

I'm starting to take offense to this accusation. I am not a multi. I wrote a detailed welcome thread, I explained myself and that's that. I'm more socially awkward than most. But I am most certainly not a liar.
I apologise for this, I did not see it. I will add though that we have had many-a-multi make a similar thread too, *cough* MA *cough*, so it doesn't necessarily single you out as an individual. I made one too at the beginning of this year, and was believed to just be a sock account for kjjcarpenter.

I don't hide though, like some of our members. If you want an opinionated presence on the internet, then you shouldn't hide behind a username. You should monitor your digital footprint to be proud of it, and present yourself as yourself. I remember the shit storm that occurred when YouTube and Google linked and changed all usernames to real names. Mass panic was everywhere and more than 95% of these people changed it back, faking their names on Google. As far as I'm concerned if you have a strong opinion about something, then you shouldn't be afraid to back up your claim with yourself. If you wouldn't say it in person, then it shouldn't be posted. Which leads me to the next part.

If someone has started some kind of rumor about me, I would appreciate it if they would have the spine to confront me to my face. I've even shown my face in the What Do You Look Like thread. My name is Anthony Garcia. Stop it.
I wouldn't know who started the rumour, but as far as I can tell it's started for all new members who partake in more than just the ARG. Showing your face helps. Simply remain a constant in the forums, so they can see you're here for more than the ARG, and you will be welcomed. Remember what I said about the monkeys, I wasn't lying. If you are who you say you are, then everyone will drop it. Trust me.

Welcome Anthony, my name is Crystal.

I don't just post often, I write WALLS of text and I enjoy it that way. I will not be contained by the shadows anymore and I hope to be taken seriously now.
And walls of text was what I meant. Reading scares some of these members ...

That's really ironic because I just recently argued that point to someone in a PM.... This thread is being taken WAY too seriously - as if it's a presidential election.

I may be mistaken about what exactly is going on behind the scenes here, but I'm not just pulling things out of my ass - I'm reacting to some things I've seen. And I've seen some shit that warranted my suspicion. If I misinterpreted, then I apologize. But something smells fishy in this thread.
If I could, I would advise you to stay out of the politics of OWF, but it is a bit too late for that. The members of these forums, while all lovely in their own ways, can be very opinionated, and unfortunately if your opinion opposes theirs, you're bound to get into an argument.

The thread has a right to be taken seriously. It's an important job on offer that would need to be taken as such, but what has happened is exactly what I said before. People thought it was a joke, and now it has created war. The job does have to be filled, but something that does have to made aware, is that it should be filled by someone who remains objective. We need an administrative member who does not get riled up and attack whenever something happens that they don't approve of, no matter what it is. Xavier and Nate do fantastic jobs, now everyone else has the harder job of finding someone like them. Fennec is a good option, and I admire her passiveness, but she's too busy for the role. I hope she can focus on her future career rather than be Super Nanny here.

I do need you to clarify what you mean by you seeing things that have warranted your suspicion, and what exactly smells fishy? I'm actually confused here.
I just like the little scrab. He looks so happy, he doesn't know life ends as a cake.
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