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02-08-2017, 06:09 AM
GlitterPanther's Avatar
: Dec 2016
: New Zealand
: 171
Rep Power: 8
GlitterPanther  (57)

I be here trying to solve it and everyones just like

"Useless comment"
"Useless comment"
Useless comment"

The so I thought, maybe the /\ apply to the letters beside them, this allowed me to get TWO seemingly correct prefic to each strain of numbers and letters, apart from one I could only figure out one, but you know what? In the past the pictures have had two letter codes at the end!
Maybe this is a sign the strings ate backwars eg backcracking?!? Maybe place the // at the end of rows and work backwards?

I dunno, its 4AM and I cant think anymore

Sorry if im a little angry
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