thread: Drumpf
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01-31-2017, 01:21 PM
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Slog Bait
Outlaw Sniper
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“No other routes?” Slog Bait, you LIED to me!
Son what

Also... "Trump's Racist Wall"

"Mexican" is not a race. While we're at it, neither is "Muslim."
Manco's said numerous times that it was primarily xenophobia first and racism second. Most people use latino and Mexican, as well as several other Latin America nationalities, interchangeably. Latino is a "race".

So, beyond ideological dilemmas, walls work just fine?
Also… The United States has never been a saintly country. We were among the last of the world’s countries to abandon slavery, and even that took a long and brutal war to actually accomplish. We’ve been treating the Middle East like a chew toy for the past few decades.
Do you know why? Because we act in our own interests. If you look at my Sweden example above, that’s what happens when a country values foreigners over its own people. That’s what happens when a government fails to prioritize the well-being of its own people.
We don’t want to have our government make that mistake. That’s why we elected Trump.
The only people who argue this are the majority of Americans who genuinely were lead to believe we are The Greatest Nation In The World who does nothing but altruistic things for the rest of the world and that we are rewarded with garbage in return. Yeah, I don't know about you, but my entire experience through elementary school was a constant rehashing of exactly that. It's like we were set up to vote for a looney like Trump.

Also man dang, I didn't know that 61,201,031 voters (in other words 19.19% of the country's current population) counted as us as a whole. You're right, we sure did vote for him. Totally.

>be Office of Government Ethics
>sue Trump
>Trump is somehow impeached by republican-dominated Congress
>be President Mike Pence
>”amperes for queers” Pence
>”turning fruits into vegetables” Pence
>conservative evangelical Christian
>no conflict of interests... with God
>federalize conversion therapy
>nuke Middle East
Congrats? You figured out one of the many reasons libtards were so freaked out at the idea of Trump winning. It's obviously a set up to get Pence into power, and it's only a matter of time.

>be poor Mexican
>want to go to America
>don’t care about legal immigration
>want to climb over pesky wall
>go to ladder store
>45 ft long ladder costs over 9,000 pesos
>sell kidney for ladder
>haul 100 pound 45 foot long ladder dozens of miles through Mexican desert with other supplies
>reach wall
>can’t find level ground to set ladder
>try anyway
>half way up I fall off
>break leg
>too poor to afford medical care
>ice agent with 45 foot long pole pokes ladder off wall
>ladder drops onto my face

Not to mention we have Coast Guard patrolling the, well, coasts.
Bitch the coast guard ain't shit. My neighbor and their 50 chihuahuas when I was like 12 swam their asses through the Gulf of Mexico and somehow hitchhiked their asses all the way to Nevada to start their new life and weren't stopped or caught a single time. I still meet people who pulled this shit off that are in the process of getting the appropriate documents to live in the states legally.

If you've ever looked into emigrating anywhere, you'd realize how insanely difficult and expensive it is, and how much easier it would be to just force your way into a country and figure it out while you're already there. The entire process is weighted heavily against you. God forbid you actually want to become a citizen. The second you miss a payment here or there to the appropriate people, or the second you slip up even the tiniest bit (not having your papers on hand when an ICE agent suspects you of being undocumented because you forgot them at home and you aren't totally read up on how to handle a situation like that) you get detained and treated like a god damn animal despite all the effort you put into immigration. It's fucking disgusting. It's the reason why there's so many undocumented people here, because what the hell does it even matter? If you get suspected of being undocumented you'll be treated the same way as someone is undocumented anyways. You still risk deportation. The entire country is working against you just by virtue of you wanting to potentially live there.

When Mexican immigration was actually a problem they were bringing down property value and upsetting the work force specifically because we weren't expecting it and their customs clashed with ours. But we adapted to it, tightened border control, cracked down on undocumented immigrants, and now all that's left is just the lingering remains and a steady stream of immigration and deportation, which would happen no matter how big or secure the wall was.

Also, the above reasons are why immigrants that went through the whole process and successfully gained their citizenship get even more pissed off than a natural born citizen about illegal immigration. They figure that because they were able to put in the time, and had the money to pull it off, that everyone who migrated here would be able to do the same. And for the most part, yeah, it's possible, but when you were just trying to escape in the moment as a means to provide for and protect your family it's pretty likely you don't have the money to expend and that you're viewing this as a bandage solution anyway.

If illegal immigration from Mexico is no longer an issue, then why do illegals who get deported multiple times keep finding their way back?
And why would the wall be a waste if Mexico itself had to build a barrier of its own at the Guatemalan border?

And what’s this about so many people from Haiti and Africa going to Mexico? Why would they want to go there?
The fact of the matter is, illegals we deport aren’t staying out, and even Mexico is having to deal with illegal immigrants whom, for all we know, want to join the USA border hopping extravaganza.
Even if Mexico isn’t the source of illegals any more, it is undeniable that a wall will be an effective barrier in the long term.
I said this in a previous thread about a similar topic, and I think even the discussion of breaking out of a fortified prison was brought up, but if someone really wants to get in/out of somewhere, they'll find a way. Someone really wants to continue their life in America? They'll keep coming back again and again no matter how often they're deported or detained, no matter how big and flashy the border wall is. Someone really wants to break out of jail? There's been several cases of people throughout history that became famous/infamous for constantly committing felonies and yet somehow always breaking back out of prison or just being savvy enough to get let out early time and time again despite the fact they really shouldn't have.

What Mexico does with their money and their country's borders have absolutely nothing to do with what America does with their money and their borders. Mass immigrations and people seeking asylum only happens when Some Serious Shit goes down in the country of origin and the people are desperate for a better life or to stay alive at all. But that's been rehashed several times in different ways already in this discussion. The fact of the matter is, the time for a wall on the caliber that Trump wants has already come and gone. Mexico's economy has steadily been bettering itself, whether we were complicit in helping them or not is also irrelevant, and as a result far less people have been wanting to immigrate from Mexico, and more people are comfortable seeking asylum in Mexico or even crossing Mexico as a means to find shelter elsewhere.

We’re a republic. Our votes represent our will. When a candidate wins, that means we approved of what they’re going to do, and any amount of us changing our minds will only matter come the next election cycle.
You're about half correct. We are in fact a democratic republic, though the majority of Americans will tell you we are strictly a democracy, because they genuinely believe that to be the case. This is why I brought up that it's a label we cling to. When a candidate wins, assuming the system works as it's meant to, it means that the candidate is what the country as a whole needs, rather than representing what the will of the people is. The system is flawed, however, when The People don't understand how it works. Stop any random person on the street and I can promise you they believe the president is basically the only person that calls the shots and don't even realize they have a representative for their county they can speak to in response to a proposed bill or a sudden ban on a handful of countries they may affect them or someone they know. Which brings me to my next point.

Besides, if a president was REALLY obligated to act on the people’s will, then we get a thing called “tyranny of the majority,” which our founding fathers specifically set up the Electoral College to counter.
Except with the way our government is structured, the "tyranny of the majority" is not feasible. The POTUS is not an all-powerful figure head, they are a spokesperson for the country and are meant to represent us as a whole. They are meant to serve The People. Our system works on checks and balances, or at least it should, remember? If the president does something the people oppose, the legislature can overturn the executive branch because it's not what The People want, and the Executive branch must oblige. And there it is: The Legislature. The branch of our government that represents the will of The People. The way that there could never be a tyranny of the majority.

For the longest time, I did believe the electoral college was a good thing because it gave a voice to the little people, but the little people already have a voice. Several of them, actually. Each state has a senator to represent the state as a whole. Each state has several districts divided based on population. Each district gets a representative to speak on behalf of the people within that district. This way, the people voice their concerns and their will to their representative, who in turn vouch for the people when voicing their concerns and will to the senator, who in turn sits in with a senator for every other state to make a decision based not on the majority, but the country as a whole. Everyone already has a voice.

Removing the electoral college would not hinder us in the slightest. However, because there's been so much emphasis on the executive branch, specifically our president, it's allowed people to totally overlook our house and senate, and as a result there's some very gross and very shady figures basically working against the will of The People at every given opportunity.

If Slog Bait is correct in that illegal immigration from Mexico is no longer a problem, then why is this 40%, from flights of all things, so big? Trump is right; if people are slipping through the cracks like this, we're obviously not paying close enough attention.

Then they'll be limited to land and water travel, and we'll have the wall and Coast Guard.
40% may be a big number at first glance but when you take that 40% out of another number (40% of 50 is 20) it's moot. Also, all you have to do to be considered an illegal immigrant is to be in this country without a valid visa or green card, or you've stayed in the country longer than their laws allow with your passport (for example, if I stayed in the UK for longer than 2 months without a visa with just my passport I'd be considered an undocumented immigrant/illegal, even if I intended to leave shortly after that timeframe). What you're seeing there are people who came in and decided to stay or got held up and couldn't leave for fear of punishment for not making whatever the deadline was.

Last edited by Slog Bait; 01-31-2017 at 01:27 PM..
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