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03-15-2016, 02:35 AM
Bixer's Avatar
: Jul 2007
: London
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Rep Power: 17
Bixer  (21)

I'm really glad that it looks as though the team have taken feedback on board and aren't simply doing another 'New 'n' Tasty' type straight remake of Exoddus.

I hope they're 'rectifying' the mistakes of Exoddus, in that it was essentially just a rushed re-hash, and they're now taking enough time to tell the story 'properly' as they initially would've wanted.

If that means an Exoddus remake essentially split across 2 games, then fantastic.
''Pokemon! Pokemon With the Poke and the Mon and the bit where the guy comes out the thing, and he bites the Blah bah bah bua'' - Bill Cosby

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