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03-11-2016, 11:26 AM
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Bruce Jenner had the crash in February 2015. Caitlyn Jenner didn't, because Bruce wasn't publicly Caitlyn until April of 2015. I'm not misgendering, I'm establishing the order of events.
I see where you’re coming from, but there is a difference between using male pronouns to describe Jenner specifically while discussing past events, and to consistently refer to Jenner as Bruce and to use male pronouns throughout the entire discussion.

I'm not positing that Bruce Jenner never wanted to evaluate his feelings on his gender before this point. I'm saying that the public announcement post-surgery was a ploy to draw attention away from the fact that someone fucking died because Bruce Jenner rear ended them into oncoming traffic.
That’s entirely possible. It doesn’t mean those feelings aren’t genuine and that Jenner is indeed transgender, and you seem to be trying to prove she isn’t.

To put this more bluntly, you are not going to convince me that some wealthy shit-paste from Northern LA is above playing on controversial topics to spin certain attitudes in her favour.
You’re seriously downplaying the effort that goes into transitioning by describing it as “playing on controversial topics”. Surgery, therapy, hormone medication, mountains of legal paperwork, learning a completely new set of social rules, body language, voice training, wardrobe change, potential ridicule, potential loss of friends/family, and even putting oneself at risk of being assaulted.

Pretending to be gay would be “playing on controversial topics”. Pretending to be trans would be batshit insane.

To simplify, so you don't get on me for misgendering (you really think I'm that unsympathetic to such a devalued role? Come on.), if the stresses of gender identity were so great, why would she possibly come out in such a public fashion?
It’s not really a secret that the Kardashian family lives vicariously in the public eye, so it’s consistent with that behaviour, for one thing. For another, I can easily imagine someone with that amount of influence deciding to use it to try and publicize and educate an issue they care deeply about , and to be a role model to others with the same condition – whether that’s egotistical or not doesn’t change the intent behind it.

You think I'm devaluing Trans people by calling out bullshit, I'm not. I'm reinforcing the fact that we need to attach positive role models to devalued people like the Trans community, and Caitlyn 'kept the dick' Jenner is not in my opinion a portrait of stability or competency that people should be championing.
I haven’t once tried to convince you that Jenner is a good role model or someone to look up to, I’m trying to tell you that it’s highly unlikely she would go to such lengths to fake such a condition. Keeping one piece of her anatomy doesn’t invalidate the extensive alterations to other areas, nor does it invalidate all the other work that goes into transitioning and maintaining her appearance.

No, I don't think it invalidates anything. I think it's worth pointing out that there's a big fat difference in getting some tits and a facelift after killing someone with your morbidly obese luxury vehicle, and having your gender reassigned. I think it indicates a lack of certainty in gender identity not to buy yourself a functional vagina if you can afford one, and indicates the unthinkable, completely bizarre idea that maybe Bruce rushed into the initial surgery to appear devalued because maybe he wasn't so sure it was what he wanted, him or herself.
Not every trans woman wants to get a functional vagina. It’s a known fact, it doesn’t invalidate their identity.

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