thread: New 'n' Tasty
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09-30-2012, 08:46 AM
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: Sep 2012
: Australia
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I thought some of Abe's speech wasn't that great either though, like it wasn't spoken clearly or the audio quality wasn't good or something, I don't know. On the other hand I like the varied dialogue, I hope you can get some sort of reaction out of all creatures by talking to them, even if it's just a brief grunt or hiss before they get back to the matter of hunting you down.
That would be fantastic. Its stuff like that, that adds the extra immersion.

So did I! If I remember correctly, Wil posted in the 'Name Abe HD' thread that there were a total of 50-odd submissions with New 'n' Tasty in some form. I wonder if one person has been chosen as the winner, or like you said a number of entries will be commended? At least I'm still technically in with a chance!

I have to say the footage was fantastic! I was disappointed when it ended, I can't wait to see more. I really liked the small changes too, such as Abe walking through the broken air duct, those completely awesome holographic-looking signs, and the elevator platform instead of the pulley at the end- even if I will miss the squeaky pulley sound!
Maybe we all get autographed posters?
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