thread: Abe HD Ideas
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08-16-2011, 10:53 AM
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Sekto Springs
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I'm definitely with Mac on everything slig-related. Even in Munch's Oddysee, their AI left a lot to be desired.

- They should definitely banter with each other if there are multiple sligs present, even if it's just that kind of idle nonsense chatter you heard in MO, that was a nice touch. If they hear a noise, the standard "what?" is an appropriate response, then after a few beats of caution they return to their patrolling and idle chitchat.

Also cigarettes! Sligs were supposed to smoke in MO as well but that was cut. I'd love to see a few Sligs lighting up when there's nothing going on around them.

I have a few non-slig related suggestions, of course

- When Abe goes Shrykull, it should definitely be more epic. The little bastard is turning into a living god, after all. The screen should go dark and lighting should roar down from the sky. I also think the transformation animation should be a little more involved. Maybe have Abe drop to his knees and come alive with static electricity as his musculature morphs and changes into the vengeful god. I doubt a sequence as involved as I should like is really realistic within your limitations, but I'd love a little more emphasis on Shrykull's powerful presence.

- Sherry will hate me for this, but more blood and guts. Though I know you can only include so much gore without drifting into M-rated territory. I guess when Abe or other creatures hit the dirt after a long fall, a little gratuitous gore would be appreciated.

- Similarly to sligs, a little more variation between the Mudokons besides just their voices would be a plus. As Mac suggested, a slight pigmentation and/or size change would do wonders. The kind of subtle thing you'd only notice when you have several Muds standing next to each other.

-More dynamic Gamespeak. Munch's Oddysee had the right idea giving Abe and the other Mudokons multiple prompts and responses. Maybe four or five variations of each Gamespeak command and matching responses.

- Atmospheric fx. I'm pretty certain you guys are already going to do this, but definitely enhanced lighting/atmosphere in the environments. A putrid haze rising from the decaying stockyards, dynamic fog and dust particles that move around the environment templates, moving clouds and wind-whipped flora, and small insects crawling and flying around. Immerse us into Oddworld!

I'll think of more later. I'm out the door. Hope that you guys take at least some of my suggestions seriously.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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