thread: Drugs!
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05-24-2011, 11:57 PM
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Frosties and Buttsex
: Aug 2003
: Denmark
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I would only say that if you MUST try some, try the soft stuff.
Just be warned, some people can get very bad reactions to them, enough to send you to hospital... possibly even a one-way trip. Make sure you've got some people with you in case of an emergency. Be very careful about accepting drugs from random strangers. It could be spiked with all sorts of stuff.

It's actually funny... I never expected Pot to be as violent as it was.

We had pot brownies.. It was my first and only time... And it was the worst day of my life. I think it was partly because I didnt feel safe(both my sister and her bf were high off their heads too) and partly because my sister also started panicking.

I also didn't think that marijuana had such a strong pseudo-hallucinogenic attribute. Literally my vision was spinning in like a hypno-spiral with the black part being my normal vision(things I could see) and the while part being almost the white solid part of the spiral blending in with my vision.

I also thought I was watching fireworks on the television and then woke up from my zone and realized it was just topmodel.

I also was scared that the high would never go away and was contemplating suicide and/or calling the cops/ambulance....

So yea... I was totally unprepared... :S I've never read about these types of reactions. People always just describe it as either thinking everything is funny or just feeling very funny. Never has anyone told me that marijuana can infact induce such strong panic attacks.(the panic attacks came later on and made my sister scream and cry that she was feeling some phantom pain in her arm... I had to use any remaining strength and rationality that I had to calm her down and not go off in a high-tangent)...

It was straining... I also got panicked on the bus-ride home cos I could feel the high come back, and I didn't wanna zone off on the bus.

Anyway... i MAY try it again ... But only with Chris though. I feel safe with him.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


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