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01-03-2011, 01:04 PM
keeperxiii's Avatar
: Jan 2011
: Portugal
: 140
Rep Power: 14
keeperxiii  (15)
Post Mudoo (keeperxiii)

(Is this thread still active? )

Name: Mudoo
Species: Mudokon
Age: 18 (Human years)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Mudoo has a grey skin tone and not much else of interest. He takes a black ripped shirt everywhere tucked in his pants like a handkerchief. Where did that ripped shirt came from? He's not telling. Well, not yet anyways.
Equipment: Nothing but his pants and lucky shirt.
Personality: Mudoo isn't very talkative, but he can be a good friend. He's an artist at heart and likes to joke around with close buddies even if he doesn't talk much. He likes to go to old, abandoned places around the Rupture Farms and paint odd pictures.
History: He's not very talkative about his history but rumor is that it has something to do with his lucky shirt and odd paintings. Paintings of another lifetime perhaps?

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