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04-10-2010, 07:03 PM
Crescent's Avatar
: Mar 2010
: UK
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Crescent  (25)

ooc: I want to give Uros the chance to post once more before moving Dionysia and Krik; sorry, Ark (though timing was otherwise good ).

Crescent, no one's posts have affected you; Mindy, I think, is still in the station. She could possibly head to the boss's office and ask for a job (Arnie, the boss, is in his office with a vykker named Emlech, so she might have to wait outside for their meeting to finish, but SU, a big robot (kinda like a very advanced Snoozer, I believe), is outside and might make interesting conversation while you wait).


Jim looked up at Ralph, "It looks real," He muttered, then a couple of gunshots made him cower further.
A moment later, Anni stuck her head around the tree, "It's gone."
"Good," Jim muttered. "Look, Anni. I think we probably should get back to the factory anyway, once you're finished here."
She looked slightly sour but nodded, "I'm done, then. I finished just when you arrived, and," She looked sadly at the plants that SU had squashed, "There's not much I can do for that, I think."
"Right, let's get back, then."
Glad some sanity was returning to proceedings, Jim began leading the way back towards the factory.


Emlech smiled thinly, his only external reaction to his relief that Arnie was apparently unaware of his vykker's discoveries about Anni.
The garden thing was an interesting idea; maybe he should establish something similar at the lab, if it might keep her happier. "Well, I'm sorry she's been some trouble; I hope the other mudokons I provided you with at the time made up a little for that. She doesn't know I'm here or that I'll be taking her away; I thought it more proper to tell the boss before telling the slave, as it were. I don't mind going to find her myself, though if you could tell me where she might be, that would be a help. If I have any trouble persuading her to come with me, I might ask one of your sligs to give me a hand, if it's no trouble."

ooc: Ooh, another Snoozer video; I wonder if this is official?
Thanks Splat pardon my slowness life is currently very busy outside the web


A long sigh drifted as Mindy shrugged her shoulders,
deciding maybe its better to be getting lost in this place then been bored waiting for some one. Presently after wandering down a few tunnels she found a sign post that said boss office and an arrow pointing in one direction-
"Finally progress" *the sound of her gears echoed down the tunnel as she walked down the hall*
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