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01-20-2010, 03:37 AM
TheOddOne's Avatar
: Jan 2010
: Denmark
: 4
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TheOddOne  (10)

Name: ZineDD
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 20 Human years
Look: Dark-Green with few pale like black patterns(stripes). Wears bandage on hands+arms and on the feet. Has a few feathers too, and dark-brown lion cloth.
Personallity:Not a very social fellow, usually walks by himself and never get into trouble if he know that he can avoid it(which means, he would probably betray his fellow mudokons instet "taking one for the team")
Bio: ZineDD hasn't always been that "loner". From the day he was born, he always wanted to help his friends and even strangers. But just about 3 Years before he turned 20, when he was 17, suddently friends and known to him, started to use his "good person" for their own purpose, and in the end, he ended up working at rupture farms...
Equipment: Has a small, hidden, homemade blade under his bandage, in case things gets too nasty.
Status: Scrub

IC: ZineDD walks out of the feeco trian that just arrived at (to?) Rupture Farms. The first few minutes after the arrival, he just walks around, not knowing were to go. Then he finally decides to ask someone for direction....
While looking around for someone to ask, he thinks. (What the hell have I got myself into?? Is this a smart idea?? Hmm, I guess there is only one way to find out...besides, after what my "friends" got me into, I don't really have a choice...)

OOC: Looking forward to RPG more this is my first RPGing so if I do anything wrong, or I seem kinda noob... then you know why.. oh and feel free to correct me if anything that I wright seem weird, wrong or... you know .
Plus here in the beginning my English might be a little rusty but I hope you guys get what I wright

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