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01-19-2010, 01:36 PM
: Jan 2010
: England
: 1
Rep Power: 0
wowdevver24  (10)

Name: Dávéé
Race: Mudokon
Gender: male
Age: 20
Appearance: Reddish green Mudoken, large pearlescant eyes, short tied-back hair, large muscular build and tall including unusual tusks protruding from the bottom lip.
Personality: Dávéé is a hard worker, who always keeps his head down and he is more than aware of his uniqueness (the colour of his skin and eye appearance) he is willful and very intelligent.
Equipment: Dávéé carries only his work tools and what it is required of him to carry i.e injured mudokens.
History: Dávéé stays low when trouble is about, his unique appearance makes him a target for mudokens and sligs alike. He does not remember much about his past as his days all seem to blend together but he does remember his dreams, of a clear blue sky with a hand that matches his own and a lush green surrounding to call his home.

sorry it is not more detailed but Dávéé is WIP