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11-06-2009, 07:02 AM
lautaro_12's Avatar
: Sep 2009
: Argentina
: 40
Rep Power: 0
lautaro_12  (13)

Well , have you downloaded and tried the hack? I have to tell you something.
This is for all people wants infinite [item you're carrying] (grenades , rocks and meat)

If you open cheat engine and run AE , after you run from the slogs (in necrum mines , boiler access) , open the door and go to the other path , there may be a rocks sack , you get 9 rocks of it (hit 1 time and collect 1 time) you'll have to scan for 9 in the cheat engine , go to the game , throw 1 rock , scan for 8 , throw 1 rock , scan for 7 , and so on after you've the correct value (remember: all the time you've to scan on 2 bytes value type)
You change it to 0 , and froze it. If all is right you have to hit the sack and collect the rock but if you hit again the rock will appear again , you collect this rock and you will have infinite rocks.

Only try it , if it works be fine , if it doesn't work share the problem here and I will try to find the solution.
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