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01-23-2009, 01:34 AM
arkaznor's Avatar
: Dec 2006
: Southeast Asia
: 128
Rep Power: 18
arkaznor  (18)

IC: Ark contemplated the mudokon that stood before him, she was a native or a rouge, but that meant little to him; after all he spend a year in mudokon village, where he had ‘accidentally’ acquired his dark skin. What did bother him was how she had come to sneaking around this factory, and the pronoun he was using. Obviously the Cartel didn’t care about this factory to much of an extent anymore, which might explain why she hadn’t been questioned yet. The paper work about any employee probably hadn’t even been bothered to be filled out, let alone signed and mailed.

But once again he was standing next to a female mudokon, and was again she had little resemble to the one had worked with prior, but rather had a similar build to the other one he had met.

As he heard the next part of her plan, he realized that she hadn’t thought this through too any great lengths, and was relying on luck, which was also fine; he generally had good luck.

One she mentioned stealth he gave a sly smile, “I can blend into any shadow, the only advantage this stained skin has given me, and I never make a sound, unless I want to,” Ark replied, “Not that it matters, those head heavy idiots can only hear screams of pain anyway.”
Labor Force Ranch, raising slaves so you don't have to.