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06-28-2007, 12:05 PM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
: Um...RealWorld?
: 1,943
Rep Power: 20
Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: Clakkerz eggs? They're like Skillya, selling their own children...'cept they aren't born yet. And probably not fertilised. Ugh, awkward, right, shutting up...

Hm. How viable would a Luskan Marauder be as an RPG character? We tend to allow Chroniclers, Sea Rexes etc. in the canon here...I dunno, but I was interested in them. I'd need more verification from you guys, really. Otherwise, I have another idea that no one's used before...8D It's so awesome.

IC: Stan supposed he would have been given a reply like that, there wasn't alot he could do. Unsure how to reply, he merely gave a muffled "Hm-hm" and just kept walking with them to the food. He listened to their plans. Sounded delicious, he...well, had probably never heard of something so appetising. He was eager to try it "I'll go get everything!" He said and charged off into the store cupboard. Right, lessee...Elum Chubs. He picked up a box saying 'Contents: 50' and [laced it on the floor, then ripped open another box, removed half the contents and added that to the pile. 10 bags of bread...there was a few brands here. He thought a healthy option would be best, aprticularly if he was to keeps trong and to get stronger. he went for the 'wholemeal Spooce' bread and placed some in the pile. 30 Clakkerz eggs...they were fairly small, Clakkerz usually laid clutches of around 10. Three boxes of ten, then, and he was correct. The boxes were of ten, so he grabbed three and placed them ontop of the growing pile. Then, finally, ten jars of Wasp honey. Simple enough. At the back, they were rather dusty, but the 'use by' date was still for another few years. Honey seemed to last a long time. However, they were called "Wasp n' bee special blend honey" rather than just Wasp honey. He shurgged, grabbed 10 jars anyway, and put them in the half an Elum Chubs box he had ripped off, and placed it next to the pile. He took everything out. Right. The jars could go at the bottom, since they were in a crate and less likely to fall off at the bottom. Elum Chubs next, he piled the 50 crate then the smaller half crate ontop. Then the eggs, which were from a fairly decent brand, and in tougher than usual boxes, with extra thick board to protect them. He piled them on, then finally the soft Spooce bread. He hefted up the pile, and walked back into the kithen. He placed the lot on the floor next the table, as the pile seemed a little high to put up there "Got all the ingredients, what else can I do? Sounds delicious..." he would've licked his lips if he weren't wearing the mask. It tasted nasty, and he didn't want to risk tasting it. He settled to looking expectantly towards the Mudokons. They evidently knew what they were doing. He had no idea how to cook.

OOC+EDIT: Screw that, here's the idea. A never before seen RP species!

Name: Chelon
Gender: Male
Species: Gloktigi
Age: 23 (Oddworld years)
Physical Description: Fairly normal Gloktigi. Has a modified larynx allowing speech in a rather rough voice. Due to travelling and more regular movement than most normal Gloktigi (which tend to spend most time merely standing around guarding things), has more heavily muscled arms. Has a tattoo on his head of a Gloktigi in the native Mudokons style. Has biologically augmented lungs and breathing system, as this is more effective than cybernetic augmentations like Sekto had.
Equipment: Not really in, nothing.
Personality: Despite his species, he has a caring nature towards others, unless he has a specific reason to dislike them or hold a grudge. Is rather serious all around.
Biography: Originally, Chelon was a slave of the Glukkons and a guardian of Lady Margeret. He, however, twigged on that they were in fact slaves protecting her, and were not paid or anything. Zilch. They were hardly treated well either, kept in rooms at night were they couldn't even turn around or anything, and were fed minimum rations to keep fit enough to protect her. The rest of his brethren weren't smart enough to realise they could live much better quality lvies elsewhere. Since they were the guards, there were no other guards to stop them. So he snuck away, and those who saw him could do nothing. However, among those seeing him included a Vykker. Later, the Vykker followed him and met with him in secret, and tried to discuss why he was running away. They eventually reached an agreement where if the Vykker was allowed to try to allow him to speak (he wanted to test his theory of modifying the larynx, and he had never got to use a Gloktigi before, and likely never would again) in exchange for the Vykker then taking him away from that place in one of the Labs, pretending he had bought him as a guard. So, they snuck away and escaped. He was put onto the table, euthanised and had his larynx changed. To the Vykkers delight, this worked, and so he lived around the labs, until he eventually got off when it landed in a forest so the Vykkers could go out to a base set up there. He wandered out into the wilderness. His height, strength and speed were key factors in avoiding predators, mainly large Scrabs, though they seemed wary anyway. He spent many weeks wandering, feeding mainly on Spooce or sometimes carrion he found, and drinking from lakes. He passed through various fields and such, and one day came across an ancient cave. it was late, so he entered as a place to sleep. However, it was light inside. Spooce were everywhere. Such a gathering was odd. He then noticed some native Mudokons inside, backed up against a wall by a Scrab. As he came over, the Scrab, startled by such a large creature it had never seen before, fled. The Mudokons in this part of the wilderness knew nothing of Gloktigi either. They praised him as their 'saviour' and among them, a saviour came forward. He then, with a power, marked a large tattoo on his forhead, as another Mudokon copied it into the wall, making a cave painting of it scaring away the Scrab. The shaman told him that it show at least other Mudokons that he was a friend. He then stayed the night, and in the morning woke early, thanked the shaman and left once more in his travels. More weeks passed, and he met a few more Mudokons, which looked at him with awe and wonder at what he would be with such a tattoo as he hurried past. He needed to get to civilisation now. Eventually, he came across a desert. He crossed it reluctantly after filling up on water, and came across a factory (Necrum Mines). Exploring while avoiding being spotted, he found a train. It appeared to still be active, though forgotten, but he knew not for how long. He went in (with difficulty through the small door), and looked about. He haphazardly guessed at a few levers, and off it went to the Feeco. Depot.
On arriving, he wandered about, having been taught how to read when he was in the Labs. Other inhabitants often shyed away from him, or wandered what the hell a Gloktigi was doing around. Security didn;t do anything because A) It wasn't attacking anyone, and B) They were rather scared, as well as not knowing what a penalty would be if they killed it, since these weren't exactly common. He found an advertisement for a place some General Dripik had started up...aha...he'd heard about him from Lady Margeret when overseeing conversations. He was meant to be quite a good Glukkon. That seemed the ticket. He go onto the train to take him to the bus. He was not asked for a ticket...

Last edited by Zerox; 06-29-2007 at 08:41 AM..
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