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04-26-2006, 07:22 AM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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So basically, you need everyone essential for modding?

I'll help, I know a bit about scripting and the CS, though I need Oblivion on PC first. Can you still access all of the voice and music files like you could in Morrowind?
I have no clue to be honest, I'm still waiting on my PC Version to arrive from eBay. I'm guessing you can, if not, we can always just copy and take them from Morrowind.

EDIT: Oh, and the things I have planned. Copy and pasted from the Elder Scrolls forums:

I've been playing the 360 Oblivion and it's a great game. The one flaw that has constantly put me off though is - You have to be good, you have to save the world, and you have to destroy the Mythic Dawn. So I started writing and thinking one night, and I came up with this. I planned it allot though, so this mod isn't going to simply be something that lets you do small quests for the Mythic Dawn, no, allot more, including

-New Quests

-New Factions

-New Races

-New Items, Weapons and Armours

-New smaller features, which will make the game a whole load funner

-New spells

-New Houses

-Alternate ending to the game!

So let us start with Quests. This will begin with adding a new quest once you can escape the sewers. This will involve finding a tired Scamp in the middle of the Colovian Highlands. He will explain to you his story about he and his brothers being chased out of the Imperial City, after being found in a Daedric Cultist's basement. The basic quest will involve you running around finding several pieces of Venison and Ale. Afterwords, you may return to the Scamp and he will show you his hide-out. In this cave, is some spikes you find in Oblivion Gates, some lava flowing, two Clannfear Runts, Scamps and a few bedrolls. Handing over the meat will enable you to use this new cave as your home. The Scamp's quests are really easy, stealing shiny rings, hunting more food, and heading to the Cultist's House and retrieving an amulet. After that, these Scamps give you some rusty Daedric armour, it won't be as nice as the level 20ish type, and will be very cracked and broke. It will basically be like the low level's Steel Armour. The Scamps begin to get hungry once again, and you notice this will definately be a problem. At which point, you head to the Market District and ask a new NPC in the Mystic Emporium about one of the rings you stole. He will find one, and exclaim how rare it is and how much it is worth. You may may sell this to anyone now, then you will get a quest for a new house, which will involve constructing a small shack on top of the cave, complete with some Daedric guards.

Now for Factions. The two obvious factions we will have are the Mythic Dawn, and the Dremora. I have no plans to add Necromancers, Blackwood Company or any other ''evil'' factions at this point. Now, these two factions will have more or less the same missions, but the difference is the rewards and methods of missions. The Mythic Dawn will be heavily based on Magic and/or Stealth. Rewards for them will be spells such as summoning the Assassin Armour, some Daedric staffs, swords, daggers and bows, and several spells that will allow summoning of different Daedra. The Dremora will be more of a Combat based faction. No magic, no stealth, no nonsense. Their rewards will be several two-handed weapons, shields, and several sets of Daedra Armour, ranging from the lowly grunt Armour to Mehrunes Dagon's right-hand man's armour.

Races. We all want them, half of our current races are just humans! This mod will attempt to add as many logical races which will have a connection to Daedra. These will include -

Ogres - These are Malacath's little brothers, they will be heavily combat oriented, but useless at stealth and magic. And I mean useless.

Dremora - We have several mods of these already, so they shouldn't be a problem. They will be a Daedric - version of the Imperials. They're good at everything, but not brilliant or rubbish or something.

Atronachs - These will be limited to new Earth Atronachs and Frost Atronachs. These will be great at Combat and Magic. but brilliant in a mix. Useless at stealth.

Scamps - The stealth race. They will be rather bad when it comes to close combat, but when it comes to sticking a knife in that guard's neck, they will be more than good. They will also be pretty good with Destruction and Illusion.

Possibly more races. Before you ask about other Daedra however, no, reasons being will be explained here.

Spider Daedra - They can't wear leg or foot armour, can't mount Horses.

Clannfear - Not human in any sense. They're animals.

Storm/Fire Atronachs - Fire Atronachs can't really wear armour, except what they already have. And their head might cause a few problems. Storm Atronachs are obvious, they're broken up into tiny little pieces. Can't wear any armour.

Imps - I'm not sure if they're even Daedra. But regardless, they're way too small and don't walk, they fly.

Being a Daedric/Evil race will not prohibit you from joining any guilds or completing the game as a good guy. The same goes for the ''good'' races, they may complete the game as evil and join the evil guilds.

As for Items, Weapons and Armour. These have been explained a bit before. Simply more Daedric Weapons/Armour, the ability to wear Mythic Dawn Armour and several new pieces of furniture, including sacrificial daggers and Mythic Dawn banners.

Smaller features won't be as small as they suggest. They simply don't have much to do with the main quest. The one I will reveal right now is for evil characters:

Dying will transform you into a soul. Wraith for male, ghost for female. In this form, you cannot attack anything, pick up anything or talk with anyone. Your job right now is to find a person to possess. Only some NPCs can be possessed, those vital to any quests, or people such as Counts and Countesses, cannot be possessed. An NPC may only be possessed once for 24 hours. Every 6 hours, they go up a 25% possessed meter, like the Vampire thing. People will remark upon this, and will refuse to sell you things at 50% and have 0 disposition unless you talk to them. Possessed characters cannot drop items, but they can equip and unequip them. The goal of possessing someone is to use them to find your corpse. Your corpse will remain where you died for 1 week. At the end of the week, if you still haven't found your corpse, it will appear in the Temple district of the Imperial city, in the graveyard. You must dig up your corpse, to be yourself again. The possessed character will then flee and have a disposition of 0. Be warned though, your infamy will go up by 1 each time you do this, as people will think you are Undead.

As for spells, I explained them a bit before. These will include summoning Assassin armour (Stealth people will get this armour forever eventually), summoning new Daedra, and plenty new charm spells if people hate your guts.

Houses! These new houses will be gained and explained throughtout the evil questline, they go in this order:

- A Scamp Cave

- A Shack with some Dremora Guards, and the Scamp Cave in your basement.

- A wealthy home, the Dremora will still be here, but it will look more like a Cheydinhal House and the Scamps will no longer live in the a cave, more like a wealthy basement for you to perform your Daedric rituals!

- A large manor, similiar to that of the large estates and farms you find in the wilderness. Will be completely patrolled by Dremora and the house will have a meeting point for the Mythic Dawn in the basement, where you will now get quests.

- A home in Paradise! It will be a large, lush cave, complete with Dremora and Xivilia guards, and a large waterfall.

- Your own plane in Oblivion. As large as the ones already in-game, and customisable to your desire.

And the new ending. I don't want to spoil this for people who haven't completed the game, so let's just say Mehrunes Dagon doesn't lose his ''little'' fight at the end. Completing the game as evil will have VERY large effects on the game, including

- The sky will permanently be red, like when you approach an Oblivion gate.

- All guards will be replaced by armoured Dremoras. They won't fine you or arrest you, unless you attack or steal from a Mythic Dawn member or a Daedra.

- Cities will now look tainted, filled with large spikes and flowing lava. Everyone will fear and respect you, even the Counts and Countesses!

- Oblivion gates will stay open, the Daedra inside will treat you as friendly, and you cannot take the Sigil Stone.

- Survivor rebels! You'll find many new forts and small towns now inhabitated by former guards and civilians. They will attack you and other Dremora. Don't take them lightly, Without a good few Daedra at your side, they'll turn you to mush. You'll also find them working together with people you never imagined them too. That's right. Whenever you enter a Vampire infested fort now, you'll find Vampires and Imperial Guards working together. Whenever you enter Ayleid Ruins, you will find High Elves working together with their formers brothers, who are now Undead. Necromancer Lairs will have Mage's Guild members working together with Necromancers! You'll even find Orcs working together with Goblins, the most annoying creatures in the whole of Tamriel.

There's allot more I have in mind, but I need a team first. Members I need are:

Modellers - We need them for new races, new weapons and armour.

Texturers - To finish the Modelerr's models

Animators - To give some life to those new models.

Voices Actors/Actresses - Unless there is just going to be some subtitles and no voices, we need you people.

Voice Editors - We need Dremora voices, I'm sure the average human voice won't sound very demonic and threatening.

Scripters/Triggerers - I need allot of you people. I'm not so good with scripting or triggering, but I'll try my best atleast.

Even if you do not have any of those skills, we can still use what skills you do have. Are you an artist? Draw some concept arts for the mod! Do you make music? Great, we can use some more ''dark'' music for the evil side. I don't fit any of the required jobs, but I'll make houses, write the storyline and write what characters say and do. You can do the same!

All those wishing to contribute or join the team should e-mail me or add me at

I realise how massive this entire idea is, considering I just spent an hour typing it out. I also realise not everything I have told you about so far will appear in the mod, even if I get the team, but it's worth a shot. Currently I'm waiting for my PC Version to be delivered, so I thought of the whole idea. And some questions I know I will be asked, will be answered here -

Why aren't you adding anything to the ''good'' side?
This is a mod for evil. Like Bethesda done for Oblivion, I'd rather focus on one part of the gameplay to make it amazing, rather than two. Ofcourse, you can always make your own good mod.

What if I don't like my faction?
No problem, you can switch at any time simply by doing the other faction's quest. You can only switch once and have an emergancy switch-back once which will remove any quest rewards, armour and spells you bought while on the faction you switched to. Afterwords, you may not ever switch again. You may also not switch if you have reached the part where you must steal the Mysterium Xarxes. Stealing it, or doing one of the new quests for the Mythic Dawn will keep you in that faction, so choose wisely.

Last edited by Cyber-Slig; 04-26-2006 at 07:45 AM..
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