thread: Slig Rebellion
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08-22-2004, 10:25 AM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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: Jul 2004
: Mongolia
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Cyber-Slig  (10)

right rules

1. no controlling other peoples character unless you ask and they agree
2.No killing other peoples characters unless they agree
3.Atleast 2 lines of text are required
4.since most of the sligs rebelled if you wanna be a glukkon loyal slig there shall be only 2 spots.So if its still industrial for you interns will replace sligs.And the vykkers have been giving some interns steroids so theres a chance of a big bro intern
5. the sligs won't rebel right away it'll be decided in the RPG

name : Ed
Race : glukkon
age : 20
equipment : big cheese suit
history :Hes rich enough to become a glockstar but he hates em.Mainly cos they have a bad attitude and he is'nt the cowboy person.Has a big ciggare and normal glukkon fleshy coloured skin.Hates interns cos those lousy idiots can't answer you and they keep listening to punk music which he also hates

Last edited by Cyber-Slig; 08-22-2004 at 10:46 AM..