Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: rory
: Oddworld Discussion 11-25-2001, 01:20 PM
: 7
: 946
Oh well I'll probably get an X-Box after all :)

Oh well I'll probably get an X-Box after all :)
: Oddworld Discussion 11-25-2001, 01:08 PM
: 4
: 454
Oddworld "Adventures"

I recently played both OIddworld Adventures games at a freinds house and was wondering, is the second one a convewrsion of Abes Exoduss? I know that the first Adventures game isn't a conversion of...
: Oddworld Discussion 11-25-2001, 12:40 PM
: 7
: 946
Now I REALLY feel like an idiot :( Are...

Now I REALLY feel like an idiot :(

Are there any more Oddworld games coming out for PC? I sure as hell hope so anyway.
: Oddworld Discussion 11-25-2001, 12:35 PM
: 7
: 946
My PC is crud :(

Hello I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to Oddworld so don't mock my lack of knowledge <IMG SRC="fuzzlesmile.gif" border="0">

Anyway I am slightly worried about the upcoming Oddworld game as...


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