Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: Ale's
: Welcomes & Birthdays 06-24-2021, 11:59 PM
: 6
: 1,632

It's been a while. I've been absent since a little goof in ARG thread on October 2018. How everyone's doing lately and have did I missed lots of major events?
: Welcomes & Birthdays 03-04-2019, 09:27 AM
: 17
: 3,774
Happy Bday Nate!

Just decided to take a peek at the forums today. I'm shocked there was no shoutouts for ya yet! Now there you have it.

Keep on a great work and stay sharp!
: Oddworld Discussion 12-31-2018, 06:25 PM
: 33
: 6,675
Happy New Year everybody! @AbeAbAndAbbey ...

Happy New Year everybody!

As @AvengingGibbons stated, both player and AI are tied to a grid.
It's a curse and a blessing at the same time. If you prone to premature response and...
: Oddworld Discussion 12-30-2018, 01:33 PM
: 33
: 6,675
I don't see much of a wierd in AO/AE controls....

I don't see much of a wierd in AO/AE controls. Hold in mind that series started off in era when mainstream controls weren't established yet. I've played some other PS1 games that have Triangle as...
: Fan Corner 10-30-2018, 02:45 PM
: 12
: 2,378
Whoa, you weren't kidding! I thought no kids on...

Whoa, you weren't kidding! I thought no kids on Earth left interested in twisted grown-up setting of the Oddworld nowadays.
: Fan Corner 10-28-2018, 07:32 AM
: 12
: 2,378
Don't make me draw that again.

Don't make me draw that again.
: Oddworld Mods & Hacks 10-23-2018, 01:54 PM
: 1
: 3,232
Idea Closer look at Abe's equipment: Exoddus (PS)

| Before I get to the subject I'd like to give my thanks to Oddworld Inhabitants for amazing job at making the game rearrange and manage its data on |
| the fly. There's some hardcore oldschool...
: Oddworld Discussion 10-16-2018, 05:14 AM
: 18
: 4,102

: Oddworld Discussion 10-13-2018, 01:52 AM
: 18
: 4,102
Carrot is the red herring. Lycopene makes carrots...

Carrot is the red herring. Lycopene makes carrots red.
Lycopene is a form of Carotene. Carotene sounds identical to "carrot-in".
Is it in the carrot, or carrot is hidden in something? Glukkonati.
: Welcomes & Birthdays 10-08-2018, 11:05 AM
: 3
: 1,960
All 'ya!

Name's Ale.
Firstly, I came to these forums to share my recent in-game finds and ask for advice on overcoming some obstacles caused by those discoveries.

Brewing a plot,

- Ale


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