Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: MrsKJJ
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-26-2017, 12:10 PM
: 40
: 7,050
To be fair, I also hate the taste of beef. The...

To be fair, I also hate the taste of beef. The texture's not that great either.
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-22-2017, 11:11 PM
: 40
: 7,050
Unofficially, I'm red meat free. Kevin and I live...

Unofficially, I'm red meat free. Kevin and I live on white meat (having red meat MAYBE once a quarter) and we tend to favour chicken in most of our weekly meals. The being said, we are both for...
: Oddworld Discussion 09-22-2017, 08:06 PM
: 309
: 41,077
Alf's design is very similar in tone to that of...

Alf's design is very similar in tone to that of Alfred Gamble, who is his namesake. If you look at Abe and Toby (squee for his adorableness), they have small ears and smaller foreheads whereas in...
: Welcomes & Birthdays 07-15-2017, 09:14 AM
: 18
: 5,282
Thank you for honouring us with your dance. It is...

Thank you for honouring us with your dance. It is a blessed day for all.
: Welcomes & Birthdays 07-14-2017, 08:30 AM
: 18
: 5,282
Happy On this day, nineteen years ago a legend was born.

Happy Birthday, Xorlidyr! Please perform another witch dance for our enjoyment.
: Welcomes & Birthdays 07-14-2017, 08:22 AM
: 11
: 2,690
Happy Belated Birthday Nep. Even though it's a...

Happy Belated Birthday Nep. Even though it's a whole month late, I hope you enjoyed it.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-14-2017, 08:17 AM
: 52
: 10,336
She is so darn cute, Xavier! I love her. Did you...

She is so darn cute, Xavier! I love her. Did you pick out the name yourself?

@Fennec: I believe there is no such thing as a 'cat-like' cat. They all act like dogs. Bela used to walk me, steal food...
: Oddworld Let's Plays and Speedruns 07-14-2017, 08:04 AM
: 78
: 18,601

: Welcomes & Birthdays 04-15-2017, 01:10 AM
: 7
: 2,147
I remember the first time I heard this story in...

I remember the first time I heard this story in full, I shed a tear too. It is so heartbreaking. My heart still goes out to the time in Alfred's life, where he felt he was at his lowest but I smile...
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-13-2017, 08:43 PM
: 52
: 10,336
Thank you! I know she is technically my...

Thank you!

I know she is technically my in-law's dog, but I just love Lucky so much. I buy her treats and toys each and every time I see her and she just loves to play. Lucky encompasses what...
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-13-2017, 07:41 PM
: 52
: 10,336
I must congratulate you on a job well done Gunnr!...

I must congratulate you on a job well done Gunnr! You saved the little one's life, and from one reptile lover to another, "Ya done did good, kid". Keep feeding him watermelon, and I'm sure one day...
: Oddworld Discussion 04-07-2017, 11:26 AM
: 18
: 3,172
A good mixture of both Molotov cocktails and...

A good mixture of both Molotov cocktails and flatulence.
: Fan Corner 04-03-2017, 12:04 PM
: 120
: 21,357
Xavier's right. I wouldn't be surprised if they...

Xavier's right. I wouldn't be surprised if they want to post about a big conclusion to the prologue, or are just giving you some time to get a bit in front so that you don't feel pressured to have...
: Fan Corner 04-03-2017, 11:56 AM
: 9
: 1,430
It's so cute!! I just love him. Can you make a...

It's so cute!! I just love him. Can you make a Sloggie? :love: :spin:

Keep practising and it could be quite lucrative ... If you know what I mean :fuzwink:
: Fan Corner 03-29-2017, 11:02 AM
: 120
: 21,357
Hey Fen, now would be the perfect time to make...

Hey Fen, now would be the perfect time to make that website with all of this new publicity. Don't throw away free advertisements. :fuzwink: wad ya reckon?

Also, don't threat about not showing...
: Fan Corner 03-29-2017, 10:50 AM
: 142
: 33,719
The look on his face. He got this!

The look on his face. He got this!
: Welcomes & Birthdays 03-29-2017, 10:21 AM
: 14
: 2,848
If those pictures are indicative of a boring...

If those pictures are indicative of a boring birthday in your life, then I would LOVE to see an exciting one! Both cakes looked delicious too. The one your boyfriend made is absolutely adorable!
: Welcomes & Birthdays 03-29-2017, 10:13 AM
: 18
: 2,318
Welcome! It's nice to meet another friendly face.

Welcome! It's nice to meet another friendly face.
: Oddworld Discussion 03-04-2017, 06:59 PM
: 11
: 2,567
Oddworldian or E-Arthian...

Oddworldian or E-Arthian (https://youtu.be/-7JlQ2DJjKc?t=32s), we all hire one of these creatures to do our taxes, and we always squeeze every penny from the proper authorities. :p
: Fan Corner 03-04-2017, 05:26 PM
: 12
: 1,933
That's a mighty fine MS Paint creation, well...

That's a mighty fine MS Paint creation, well done. :fuzsmile:
: Welcomes & Birthdays 03-04-2017, 05:23 PM
: 14
: 2,848


I typed in "Happy Birthday Nate" into Google, and unsurprisingly this was only two scrolls down. So from beyond the grave, Alcar wishes...
: Fan Corner 02-22-2017, 11:47 AM
: 15
: 2,528
That was really, really good!! Keep up the good...

That was really, really good!! Keep up the good work, I'm enjoying seeing into the mind of Mullock. He's not actually that bad when you get to know him. :fuzsmile:
: Forum Suggestions & Help 02-21-2017, 10:01 AM
: 163
: 21,100
That's exactly where the joke is.

That's exactly where the joke is.
: Forum Suggestions & Help 02-21-2017, 09:49 AM
: 163
: 21,100
Sometimes I don't think you realise how funny you...

Sometimes I don't think you realise how funny you are!
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-21-2017, 09:19 AM
: 219
: 45,591
My love, I meant to upload a nicer one >.<. ...

My love, I meant to upload a nicer one >.<.

This is the same couple's party ...
: Fan Corner 02-18-2017, 09:35 PM
: 120
: 21,357
When's the next page due out Fennec? :fuzsmile:

When's the next page due out Fennec? :fuzsmile:
: Non-Oddworld Art & Literature 02-18-2017, 09:33 PM
: 106
: 17,226
Give the creature affluent eyelashes. Sexy and...

Give the creature affluent eyelashes. Sexy and cat-like, but not too over the top. Also, a little beauty spot above it's lip.
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-18-2017, 04:38 PM
: 28
: 4,264
<iframe width="560" height="315"...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/EhsGUYfpZTY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The true joke was Varrok didn't know of The Rock, but this is funny too....
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-18-2017, 04:10 PM
: 28
: 4,264
A small part of you surely laughed at Dwayne...

A small part of you surely laughed at Dwayne "Varrok" Johnson, and if you didn't laugh there, you thought there was credibility in Vlam the impaler of the family Dracul. Everyone does say he's after...
: Fan Corner 02-18-2017, 04:01 PM
: 15
: 2,528
So this is what you do when you when you never...

So this is what you do when you when you never reply to my texts ...

As always, Darling, it's written very well. I'm understanding Glik as an individual, and it is shining a new, well-deserved...


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