Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: lady_elum
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-12-2002, 11:02 PM
: 5
: 1,366

Hello everyone! *waves* I have returned, hopefully not to your dismay and wanted to say hi! :fuzconf: uhm... it's nice to be back! *hugs everyone*
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-11-2001, 07:21 PM
: 63
: 1,632
[ July 11, 2001: Message edited by: lady_elum ]

[ July 11, 2001: Message edited by: lady_elum ]
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-11-2001, 05:25 AM
: 36
: 1,673
Hell yeah, Daniel, finally someone who knows what...

Hell yeah, Daniel, finally someone who knows what a real horror film is!!!!
*Reading (almost anything)
*writing (whoo!)
*comic books (JTHM, Squee!, stitch, gloom cookie etc...)...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-11-2001, 05:03 AM
: 2
: 579
Rocky Horror Picture Show!!!!!

Hey guys! Tonight, we broke the record for the most people to attend Rocky!! It was sooo cool, the record was 2,500 and we almost tripled it! Whoo!!! It was at Reds Rocks amphitheatre, here in...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-08-2001, 11:02 PM
: 8
: 780
Hey! Yeah, the aliens were cool looking but it...

Hey! Yeah, the aliens were cool looking but it was sooo speilberg-esque *shudder* he just HAD to add aliens, didn't he?! <IMG SRC="fuzzlemad.gif" border="0">

It should've ended in the...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-03-2001, 09:25 PM
: 344
: 8,867
Jazz...(but wuth the blues brothers around.. i...

Jazz...(but wuth the blues brothers around.. i don't know...k/j)
glue or tape?
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-03-2001, 04:34 AM
: 344
: 8,867
books all the way! whoo! uhmmmm... ...

books all the way! whoo!


silence of the lambs or hannibal?!
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-03-2001, 04:32 AM
: 8
: 780
artificial intellegience

Hey Jo, what do ya' know?! :p

Hey! I know I haven't written for a reeeeally long time but I have to tell you guys about A.I. Well, I thought it looked really cheesy and stupid but oh my god! ...
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-29-2001, 11:32 PM
: 71
: 3,967
OKay, let's just forget all this, kay Pink...

OKay, let's just forget all this, kay Pink Haired? It really is pointless, besides, this topic is supposed to be about God! I know I'm defensive(what can I say, I'm from New York) and years of...
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-28-2001, 03:14 PM
: 71
: 3,967
I hope this doesn't start another fight because I...

I hope this doesn't start another fight because I seem to have lots of problems with that on thses forums... But, believe me, Pink Haired, I hope I'm never EVER like you. I've always been like this,...
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-21-2001, 10:56 PM
: 11
: 1,293
watch ed, edd and eddy much, pink-haired? heh...

watch ed, edd and eddy much, pink-haired? heh heh.
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-21-2001, 10:52 PM
: 4
: 836
rosaries.... uhm... yeah. some kind of...

rosaries.... uhm... yeah. some kind of enchanted metal or somethin......
: Oddworld Discussion 05-12-2001, 07:33 PM
: 40
: 3,652
ha ha ha!!! He looks just like Homer!!!(only...

ha ha ha!!! He looks just like Homer!!!(only blue) oh my god!!! you got it exactly!!! hee hee hee!!
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-12-2001, 07:28 PM
: 3
: 916
And what if I told you I liked wrestling goats???

And what if I told you I liked wrestling goats???
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-12-2001, 05:42 AM
: 3
: 916
Dark Hood......

This is an oh so important question...

<IMG SRC="fuzzlesmile.gif" border="0">

well, I went to your website... and... I was wondering... CAN I STEAL YOUR GOAT?!?! Pleeeeaaase... He's...
: Fan Corner 05-12-2001, 05:24 AM
: 17
: 1,219
Heh heh!! I love it!! Oh, it's just divine!*flips...

Heh heh!! I love it!! Oh, it's just divine!*flips hand* (that's what serena calls 'em...) ;)
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-12-2001, 04:53 AM
: 14
: 1,074
gloom_kookie@hotmail.com email me or...


email me or somethin! :D

my name on msn messenger is Phaedra

[ May 12, 2001: Message edited by: lady_elum ]
: Oddworld Discussion 05-12-2001, 04:50 AM
: 40
: 3,652
Oh my ga-! He looks nothing like the old Abe. ...

Oh my ga-! He looks nothing like the old Abe. There especially...
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-12-2001, 04:46 AM
: 44
: 3,900
So many favorites...... Elum- who wouldn't...

So many favorites......

Elum- who wouldn't love 'im??? He's so cute and of course, chicks dig him

Rion- Gallerians, he has all these powers and he has weird visions

Max- He's from...
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-12-2001, 02:22 AM
: 2
: 806

Okay, I just have to tell you all this. Well, I live in Colorado... and most of our museums like, really suck. Well, you know what?! We have a Francis Bacon now!! Isn't that just cool???? Does...
: Oddworld Discussion 05-12-2001, 02:05 AM
: 40
: 3,652
You are soooo right!!! He's all like "Duhhh......

You are soooo right!!! He's all like "Duhhh... Ung...*drool*" it's sooo creepy! He's always just kinda looking off into the distance... dazed and confused... very, very sad... poor Abe. Drugged by...
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-12-2001, 02:00 AM
: 14
: 1,500
oh my god... that is so sick. what's "religious"...

oh my god... that is so sick. what's "religious" about killing another creature...?? I don't even know what to say about that. If that happened to a human it would be ALL OVER the news and...
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-07-2001, 03:00 AM
: 14
: 1,514
you see melvin, its funny because it makes him...

you see melvin, its funny because it makes him feel better about his pathetic little life. kay? so lets just leave him alone to ridicule all the people he feels like and know that someday hes gonna...
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-07-2001, 02:32 AM
: 14
: 1,514
oh yeah, you know me and my pocket protecters......

oh yeah, you know me and my pocket protecters... if you can write shit like this I think its ok for me to joke about myself. i dont understand how teasing other people is found funny by so many...
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-06-2001, 05:39 AM
: 14
: 1,514
You are just dying to be ridiculed... do you not...

You are just dying to be ridiculed... do you not realize this? oh, i'm so cool, cuz Im making fun of "nerds"!!! i am so VERY impressed! im sure everyone is. when did you become an asshole?? ...
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-06-2001, 05:29 AM
: 22
: 1,731
I'm so sorry for writing some fucking song lyrics...

I'm so sorry for writing some fucking song lyrics on your precious message board. but you dont need to be a god damned asshole to me, then to hell with you!!! what the hell do you have up your ass,...
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-02-2001, 10:15 PM
: 104
: 6,215
1. What is your name? Hannah 2. Have you...

1. What is your name?
2. Have you ever been kissed?
you know it! :p
3. What is your favorite movie?
Chuck n buck or Momento or silence of the lambs
4. What CD is constantly in your...
: Oddworld Discussion 05-02-2001, 12:21 AM
: 18
: 1,200
How did you figure out it was 10x bigger than...

How did you figure out it was 10x bigger than earth?! how do you people figure this stuff out???? :confused: :confused:
: Off-Topic Discussion 05-02-2001, 12:16 AM
: 5
: 1,013
Tomb Raider is definately cashing in (and...

Tomb Raider is definately cashing in (and Angelina Jolie doesnt even look like Lara Croft) but the mario bros. movie was soooo cool, even though it had like, nothing to do with the game. Of course,...
: Oddworld Discussion 05-02-2001, 12:08 AM
: 15
: 1,578
hee hee hee!!! Ive always wanted to morph Bill...

hee hee hee!!! Ive always wanted to morph Bill Gates!! heh heh heh!!!! oh my ga-! thats great..... heh heh heh... everyone! go out and morph bill gates!!


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