Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: Tired Glutton
: Forum Suggestions & Help 03-19-2021, 04:20 AM
: 75
: 19,043
Exclamation he or anyone gona drop a link for that before it...

he or anyone gona drop a link for that before it all goes down ��
: Forum Suggestions & Help 01-16-2021, 09:50 AM
: 75
: 19,043
Wow I legit thought it was gone with barely a...

Wow I legit thought it was gone with barely a trace, any data hoarders have this forum archived somewhere? Idk seems a shame to just let it all disappear. What's the story anyway what happened with...
: Oddworld Discussion 09-26-2020, 03:45 AM
: 26
: 4,242
i'm cool with a 2d format and it looks beautiful...

i'm cool with a 2d format and it looks beautiful but it looks like much more of a wild adventure with your mudokon buddies than the kind of sobering but humorous puzzle journey the first two abe...
: Oddworld Discussion 09-25-2020, 03:33 AM
: 26
: 4,242
just gonna come back for five seconds and be the...

just gonna come back for five seconds and be the one person to have the worst opinion and say i'm not really a fan of new oddworld, i don't think it's bad but none of it's been what i really wanted...
: Off-Topic Discussion 01-29-2019, 07:53 AM
: 46
: 9,572
@varrok Is OWFxit what we call the discord...

@varrok Is OWFxit what we call the discord migration now ��

@STM there anything in particular you'd point to that helped that shift in perspective u think? Yeah just seeing martial law as even an...
: Off-Topic Discussion 01-27-2019, 01:13 PM
: 46
: 9,572
Yea of course! D/w i'm here for opinions i'll...

Yea of course! D/w i'm here for opinions i'll take any stats and statements with a pinch of salt and look in to it if i feel it shaping my world view etc lmao, it does make sense on the surface, when...
: Off-Topic Discussion 01-27-2019, 12:51 PM
: 46
: 9,572
Weird to hear that's the average person's...

Weird to hear that's the average person's understanding haha, my experience has been mostly just people actively not wanting to talk about it or being staunchly for one or the other, i can believe...
: Off-Topic Discussion 01-27-2019, 10:30 AM
: 46
: 9,572
Question Anyone still have strong Brexit opinions?

It feels like it's been so long, i remember having very strong remain sympathies and pretty sure i did vote that way but after a time that changed and I'm so indifferent now.

In retrospect my...
: Oddworld Discussion 01-27-2019, 10:07 AM
: 33
: 6,672
i found the pc controls totally fine except for...

i found the pc controls totally fine except for that annoying stutter with the gamespeak, i ended up liking the pc controls better cus i found out about emulators and just generally got good at...
: Welcomes & Birthdays 10-31-2016, 09:00 AM
: 69
: 5,101
hey you seem cool i also left joining way late

hey you seem cool i also left joining way late
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-10-2016, 09:12 PM
: 142
: 16,397
well yeah i'm sure a lot of people who didn't...

well yeah i'm sure a lot of people who didn't like the result would. but that isn't my point, my thoughts were a bit muddled at the time so sorry if it wasn't clear.

my point about this is to get...
: Off-Topic Discussion 06-29-2016, 12:46 PM
: 142
: 16,397
Don't you think the vast majority of people...

Don't you think the vast majority of people should be in agreement before such a massive task is undertaken? as opposed to something like barely 2% tipping the scales?
: Off-Topic Discussion 06-29-2016, 04:06 AM
: 142
: 16,397
This isn't something I usually do (posting on...

This isn't something I usually do (posting on forums in general isn't something I usually do) but this seems as good a place as any to get my anxious and frustrated thoughts out there. I can't...
: Oddworld Discussion 06-08-2016, 09:17 PM
: 73
: 9,405
i'm with fennec here on both accounts, MO abe's...

i'm with fennec here on both accounts, MO abe's colours especially always looked really nice to me.
: Oddworld Discussion 06-08-2016, 06:22 AM
: 73
: 9,405
the eye and head size dont sit quite right with...

the eye and head size dont sit quite right with me but i could get used to it
: Welcomes & Birthdays 04-15-2016, 05:29 PM
: 14
: 1,552
Yo m8

Yo m8
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-12-2016, 03:02 PM
: 210
: 14,494
So is it like a term you use to express your...

So is it like a term you use to express your dissatisfaction with what you feel mainstream left wing politics has become?
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-12-2016, 06:03 AM
: 210
: 14,494
So is sjw just an insult or do any of you...

So is sjw just an insult or do any of you consider it an ideology of it's own or what. Is it the replacement word for communist as a perjorative
: Oddworld Discussion 04-11-2016, 03:13 PM
: 62
: 4,957
I dont follow gromps any more but i sometimes...

I dont follow gromps any more but i sometimes wind up watching one of their videos. Couldnt watch this one tho holy hell.

Ross is still super cute.
: Fan Corner 04-11-2016, 05:52 AM
: 76
: 10,181
I liked when the glukkon was tired that time in...

I liked when the glukkon was tired that time in the begining can we get some closure on that
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 04-09-2016, 03:44 PM
: 28
: 2,391
When i do play if it's a really involved actiony...

When i do play if it's a really involved actiony game like a shooter or something i usually wont play for more than 2 hours at most, if im playing something a lot chiller like a tbs or victoria 2 i...
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-04-2016, 09:10 AM
: 88
: 5,283
Yeah it can be difficult internalising that way...

Yeah it can be difficult internalising that way of thinking unfortunately
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-04-2016, 06:27 AM
: 88
: 5,283
Your avatar is cute.

Your avatar is cute.
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-04-2016, 05:45 AM
: 88
: 5,283
Thanks for the welcomes guys. Glad my avatars...

Thanks for the welcomes guys. Glad my avatars familiar at least lmao.

Gonna go out on a limb and suggest maybe low self esteem and by exension new jersey is to blame for a lot of owfs inactivitey.
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-04-2016, 05:30 AM
: 1,152
: 149,352
I almost finished merlin, that bbc show about...

I almost finished merlin, that bbc show about that wizard guy, It reminded me of a fantasy doctor who with the writing and acting. It feels like theyre rehashing a load of shit but i gotta finish it...
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-04-2016, 04:37 AM
: 88
: 5,283
Cheers bruv i'll put them here...

Cheers bruv i'll put them here (http://www.epsom-ewell.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/82786083-5531-4EDB-92DC-6DEE050D9E3F/0/refusebin.JPG) for safe keeping [;
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-04-2016, 03:10 AM
: 88
: 5,283
I've lurked this place since i was smol and at...

I've lurked this place since i was smol and at first didnt post much cus i was an anxiety ridden baby but now i don't cus i just plain dont feel like i havr anything worthwhile to say most of the...
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 01-16-2013, 09:47 AM
: 64
: 7,540
I remember playing Tekken on the ps2, I was...

I remember playing Tekken on the ps2, I was always kind of confused by the characters (especially the tree guy) but i assume it must of been story related or something right? I didn't really play any...
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 01-13-2013, 06:05 PM
: 64
: 7,540
the most recent fighting game I've played is some...

the most recent fighting game I've played is some touhou game idk which, a friend of mine mentioned it in a passing conversation so i tried it out and it was pretty cool, took me forever to figure...
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 01-13-2013, 05:31 PM
: 1,518
: 90,999
There's a HD remake of that? do want.

There's a HD remake of that? do want.


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