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Gunnr 07-21-2017 10:02 AM

Gunnr's art dump
Thought I'd add my own doodles to fan corner. I've posted a few on my twitter acnt but been meaning to post here for a while. I'll start by posting some older rough doodles. ( I have a horrible habit to pressing to hard on my pencils so expect many not fully erased lines xp) Helpful tips and constructive criticism welcome


Munch stuff

Early young mudokon queen head designs( their abdomens/bottoms are too gargantuan to fit in on the page)



I believe these were the better results of my first attempts at mud faces

Yokai 07-21-2017 10:44 AM

Cool. :cheer::fuzgrin:

Phoetux 07-21-2017 11:09 AM

Nice ones Gunnr!

Kang 07-21-2017 11:34 AM


Fuzzle-Queen 07-21-2017 12:38 PM

there's space for improvement


Vykker Lady 07-21-2017 12:41 PM

Really love the queen design! Nice work! :)

Cecil 07-21-2017 03:39 PM

These are pretty good! =D
I'd love to see more of your things

Gunnr 07-21-2017 05:56 PM

Thanks <3

(E: It may be a couple days before i post again as I'll be in place with no wifi fyi)
E:E: I'm back here's few other quickly drawn fanarts (note I never really have a lot of time on my hands so pretty much ALL of my doodles were done quickly :p)

This is my attempt at making Outlaws look female over a year ago
^This un' just looks like drag tho lmao


A slog and scrab hybrid
Needs more scrab

-Went a different direction and tried to find a more unique and cartoony art
http://i.imgur.com/Cws04Iwt.png http://i.imgur.com/Bg7Yh72t.png

http://i.imgur.com/wzGU1USm.png http://i.imgur.com/0xaGKE1m.png

http://i.imgur.com/5pIWFBGt.png http://i.imgur.com/QgKOseNt.png

Gunnr 11-12-2017 05:01 AM

more dumps


Phoetux 11-12-2017 06:01 AM

Coolio, I'm liking more your style.

Gunnr 11-21-2017 07:12 AM


Gunnr 12-17-2017 08:54 PM

A glukkon wearing a mudokon hat wearing a steef hat wearing a gabbit hat

A bendy and the inc machine inspired AO logo

Yokai 12-19-2017 06:44 PM


A glukkon wearing a mudokon hat wearing a steef hat wearing a gabbit hat

A bendy and the inc machine inspired AO logo

Nice! Especially the BatIM one! :fuzcool:

Vanilla ✜ 12-20-2017 04:29 AM

Wow those last two are awesome, very good job friendo.

Gunnr 01-08-2018 10:56 AM

The mudokon emotion icons done in my own style plus a new one I had made up( was the most fun to make heheh)


Brackman 01-16-2018 05:11 AM

Those are awesome, Gunnr. I love your other art too. Are you a professional art designer or something? Or is this just a hobby for you?

Gunnr 01-16-2018 07:06 AM


Those are awesome, Gunnr. I love your other art too. Are you a professional art designer or something? Or is this just a hobby for you?

Thanks, it's a freetime hobby

Gunnr 05-21-2018 08:09 AM

Took the skull n' cross bones mudokon emoji from my last art post and gave it a body, basically


Gunnr 06-12-2018 12:11 PM


Gunnr 06-12-2018 12:12 PM


Gunnr 06-12-2018 12:13 PM

Sanrio chibi style


Gunnr 07-01-2019 01:50 PM


Littleleeroy 07-01-2019 07:12 PM

Nice art Gunnr. Just FYI about the "img" code so the pictures can fit nicely in the posts.

This is quoted from the rules:

Avoid stretching the Forums’ layout with large images. You can do this by using HTML tags to set the image width to 100% i.e.,

<img src="image.jpg" width="100%">

Gunnr 07-02-2019 10:32 AM

Ah thanks for that littleleeroy, just fixed it :)
at first I was having some issues with it on imgur mobile being laggy so just settled to posting the link out of laziness...:I

Littleleeroy 07-04-2019 01:13 AM

You need to edit all your posts so they use that code. There are some huge images still.

Gunnr 07-14-2019 04:24 PM

Guess ima rule breaker now.
The others are too old for me to edit

KittehGlitters 07-15-2019 05:48 PM

Your work is awesome!

I made some mediocre Oddworld fan art when I was around 16, but haven't done any since. You've inspired me to try again, but with mixed media art instead of pen and marker.

What's your favorite art medium, Gunnr?

Gunnr 07-25-2019 09:57 AM

Flattered I inspired you :)
I enjoy many art mediums(music, photography, writing ect) I'm personally more comfortable at old fashinoned pencil drawings.
Digital art is fairly new to me and I'm just learning as I go

KittehGlitters 08-15-2019 07:30 PM


Flattered I inspired you :)
I enjoy many art mediums(music, photography, writing ect) I'm personally more comfortable at old fashinoned pencil drawings.
Digital art is fairly new to me and I'm just learning as I go

I would love to try my hand at digital art, but I lost the photoshop program I used to have on my laptop when my hard drive bit the dust a few years ago.

Delete if not allowed, but I thought you might enjoy seeing some of the super OLD art I made back when I was a brand new Oddworld fan. It's kinda cringe-worthy, but it could have been worse. Circa 2007...

Ol-Crabby-The-Scrab Crawling-Slig Munch Flying-Slig Big-Bro-Slig Baby-Munch Baby-Slig Abe

Gunnr 10-12-2019 11:26 PM

I'm fine with it, nice :fuzsmile:
Also I you use imggb?
I'll have to give that a try, been having issues with imgur

New stuff