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The Red Muse 05-19-2003 10:08 AM

The absence...
I don't know if this is the right place to tell this, but I this is very important to those who I am RP'ing with. I'm leaving for a while.

I have some problems inside my family. Mostly with my mother. We are fighting almost all the time and she is making me feel very depressed.

I'm sorry, but I just simply don't feel like roleplaying anymore. I might reply now and then...

I'll be back when I'm feeling mentally a bit better. At this point, I feel like my whole life is a wreck.

So, I'll see ya!
Take care.

-The Red Muse

Seargentbig 05-19-2003 11:05 AM

*Pats Red Muse mentaly on the back*

OK. I'll be loking forward to when you get back, but take your time.

PS: you got two of the links to this page wrong. I don't know about the third.

Native Poser 05-19-2003 01:18 PM

Really sorry to hear that Muse, hope your ok. We'll miss ya!

Alcar 05-21-2003 03:35 AM

O, sorry to hear Musey. Hope things get better...

*hugs Musey*


Ashe 05-22-2003 02:55 AM

Hello Red Muse. I hope that your family life gets better. I hope you can sort it all out and we can all see you here again. You are a good member, and you are a Final Fantasy fan, so please be back soon! But when you are ready to.

Fez 05-23-2003 07:38 AM

i hope ya get better muse.

Rex Tirano 05-23-2003 12:31 PM

awww little mousey! *hugz the mouse* :D if you ever want a hug, come onto oddchat old bean. Theres plenty to go round. pip pip!

Cme back soon little mousey. Cos we will all miss you this much:_____________________________! :D