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SligQueen 06-29-2003 02:42 PM

Hi dudes, guess whos a newbie?!!
Ive been an oddworld fan since AO, I had it on PC first but then got it with a playstation....I managed to get all the muds out of rupture farms (well, the 1st bit...) and all of em out of the mines in AE, yaaaay!!
I was a bit miffed when MO suddenly changed to XBox, but thats life n Ive got it anyway!! hee hee...Im a little bit stuck atm in the first bit of vykkers labs (after the lulu cutscene) :fuzsad:
ah well, one day! grrr!!
The handles the 1st that came to mind when I found this site (gawd knows why i didnt before!!) Ive done some fanfiction based on oddworld but of course its only known by me and some unfortunate schoolmates at the time!! lol!
neways, Hi!!

oh yes, and I love Elum!! There shudve been an Elum in MO, sure would help running from those paramites!!

AbeLover 06-29-2003 04:22 PM

Hi! Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay here :p
And um...just a question... are you Dutch?
I just thought so because of the "Haaaloo" part.

Ashe 06-30-2003 02:44 AM

Hello SligQueen. Welcome to Oddworld Forums. I hope you enjoy your time here. :)

Joshy 06-30-2003 04:17 AM

Hi, welcome... and die...