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oddguy 01-29-2005 04:19 PM

Easter Eggs
If you find an Easter Egg for Oddworld Stranger's Wrath...post it here my friends.

I was able to find golden crystals in Mongo Valley. To the left of the waterfall is a small island. Behind some trees and bushes is a breakable door. Open it up and go into the small cave. On the wall there are three clusters of golden crystals. Punch or Zap them off and collect. I don't think they do anything special. I think they just go towards your total moolah. Nonetheless, it's a cool thing to find.


The Marching Mudokon 01-29-2005 04:25 PM

Thanks for the heads up oddguy, all I have to do is remember about them when I get Strangers Wrath.

Treble 01-29-2005 04:50 PM

i heard there are some real secret items in the game but no one has found em yet

Al the Glukkon 01-29-2005 05:32 PM

The ones at the Black Market, ya mean?

evil1 01-29-2005 06:42 PM

i think he means somthing that everyone does not know about

oddguy 01-30-2005 07:22 PM

Another Easter Egg found! My dear brother found it. :happy:

After you rescue Eugine Ius(sp?), he pushes you into a tunnel and you go that way back to town. On the way, you'll hear a bunch of screams. Look around and you'll see some grubbs running in and out of their little houses. If you stick around and listen, you'll here one say something about an idol and hoping you don't get it. Another says "As long as he doesn't get on any of the rooves, we'll be okay" or something like that. Walk towards the back of the little town, and you'll find a rope. Climb up and get on top of the roof. Look around and you'll see another rope. This rope leads to an opening, but it's boarded up. Shoot the boards off with your Zappfly and then climb up the rope and jump into the opening. You'll see a little green glowing idol of a grubb. Take it and listen to what the grubbs have to say. ;)


sligster 01-30-2005 07:43 PM


anyways.... I'm still convinced that there's some kind of Abe or Munch reference somewhere in the game..... a wanted poster?

and even more far fetched than the above theory, and most likely not possible:
A secret bonus mission to hunt down Abe or Munch?

oddguy 01-30-2005 07:47 PM

There kind of is a little reference to the old Abe days in Stranger. At the beginning of the game when you're still in town and about to go on your first mission, a clakker tells another clakker to open the gate for Stranger. The gatekeeper says "Uhhh, okay" just like a mudokon.


tsioc 02-02-2005 09:49 PM

out of curiousity... is it actually possible to get 20,000 moolah?

Do you think anything special would happen if you did?

edit: I just took the idol in the village... that was hilarious!

LawnChairFire 02-03-2005 03:05 AM


out of curiousity... is it actually possible to get 20,000 moolah?

Do you think anything special would happen if you did?

edit: I just took the idol in the village... that was hilarious!

1000 moolah cheat over and over again...

Volsung 02-03-2005 05:52 AM

On Beeks Opple farm its possible to kill the clakkerz by pushing them into the death trap and hitting the switch. I didn't play too much after that, but the clakkerz on the farm didn't even notice, as long as I didn't hit them.

And it might be possible to get the moolah without the cheat, if you shake down the locals all the time. I think I had eighteen thousand my first time around. But I could be mistaken.

Edited Addition: Other people probably found this, but when you're on your way to buzzarton and you pass the clakkerz fixing the farm, a broken wall in several of the houses hold some chests of moolah.

Lantra 02-03-2005 03:19 PM

Other people have probably found this but after you capture the Looten Duke there is a rope inside the main building. Follow it up and you will get to others, via them you can get inside the water tower where there are a whole bunch of moolah chests.

sligster 02-03-2005 03:23 PM

man... I want some eggs!

no offense to anyone who's posted here, but these are more... secrets, than eggs...

Easter Eggs are special objects put in the game by the developers that actually mean something, often referring to a real person known by the developer, or another game done by the developers.

Example: Munch or Abe reference (if any)

Oddipus 02-04-2005 09:14 AM

by the way, it's possible to get over 20.000
I got 20.645 (I bought only a few upgrades: binocs, stamina small, ammo bag large, black market stuff)

Kimon 02-04-2005 02:06 PM

I have no Easter eggs, but some sorta interesting stuff in the beginning of the game. In the jail there's a drawing of a dinosaur or something (obviously done by a child) on the desk, and there a picture of someone's children (actually a portrait of 2 eggs) on the jail wall. I though it was funny.

MojoMan220 02-04-2005 02:29 PM

When you leave Gizzard Gulch you'll come across a group of clakkerz rebuilding a farm (not the opple farm). If you listen closely, they will say there is loot hidden somwhere. On the side of two of the buildings you will find breakable wood that hides a bunch of moolah chests. The third building has the breakable wood, but no moolah.

Volsung 02-04-2005 06:44 PM

There is another cave with golden crystals in mongo valley. Along the wall directly behind a display of Grubb skeletons you will find a broken door behind some bushes. Break it, and follow Oddguy's instructions for retrieval. More Useless Moolah! Yay!

EDIT: By the by, I got to the Doc's Office (The second time) with 24010 Moolah. No discernable difference.

oddguy 02-04-2005 07:59 PM


man... I want some eggs!

no offense to anyone who's posted here, but these are more... secrets, than eggs...

Quit yo complainin'! :p I think I found some pretty nifty stuff.


Easter Eggs are special objects put in the game by the developers that actually mean something, often referring to a real person known by the developer, or another game done by the developers.

I'm still trying to figure out what a giant soccer ball means. ;)


Example: Munch or Abe reference (if any)

Lorne wanted to have a fresh new start...away from Abe and Munch. Don't you think an image of Abe or Munch in the game would defeat that?


Other people have probably found this but after you capture the Looten Duke there is a rope inside the main building. Follow it up and you will get to others, via them you can get inside the water tower where there are a whole bunch of moolah chests.

Oh yah, I found that. I was looking for hidden stunks because I saw Lorne take the Duke down with one in a demo, and I wanted to bring him in alive. This was before I figured out how stamina worked.



Ghast 02-05-2005 06:06 PM

During the three minute run for your life level just after you cross the bridge and between the two trios of guards is a corpse? and a crack in the wall, but I didn't manage to make it any bigger?

But it still bugs me that there isn't any hidden Sobo vending machines or ???

OT I liked the guy in the toilet bit, maybe 3D games just don't allow the same kind of free time easter egg creating luxuries that side scrollers did?

Kimon 02-05-2005 06:57 PM

What's with the question marks? It makes it hard to understand what you're saying.

MojoMan220 02-05-2005 08:39 PM

This is more of a tip: Cut the timed run in half by jumping across the giant gap when you get to the second floor of the first building. Just jump from window to window.

oddguy 02-06-2005 12:41 PM


This is more of a tip: Cut the timed run in half by jumping across the giant gap when you get to the second floor of the first building. Just jump from window to window.

Oh yeah! I did that by accident actually. Though, I died shortly after that and just went the regular way the next time. I prefer going the long way so you can see and experience the whole track.


Kimon 02-07-2005 02:36 PM

I found a sort of shortcut in the first Wolvark facility. At the end of the outdoor part, if you go down the ramp as opposed to the door on the higher level, there's a sewer grate that opens to skip a room or two.

OANST 02-07-2005 02:41 PM

Yeah. I took that the second time through the game.

sligster 02-07-2005 02:49 PM


I'm still trying to figure out what a giant soccer ball means. ;)

lol, we all are...

Lorne wanted to have a fresh new start...away from Abe and Munch. Don't you think an image of Abe or Munch in the game would defeat that?

well.... mabey.... but you never know....

This was before I figured out how stamina worked.

omg, I didn't figure out how it worked until after I beat the game. I felt so stupid.

TheLonelySteef 02-07-2005 05:03 PM


omg, I didn't figure out how it worked until after I beat the game. I felt so stupid.

Me too Sligster. :(

tsioc 02-08-2005 03:21 AM


I found a sort of shortcut in the first Wolvark facility. At the end of the outdoor part, if you go down the ramp as opposed to the door on the higher level, there's a sewer grate that opens to skip a room or two.

there's another way? I'm gonna have to play again! I always just took the sewer, didn't know I could go another way...

I was talking to Grubbs today, and Stranger asks them questions about the old steef, Sekto, wolvarks, the path to enlightenment, etc... perhaps not an easter egg, but as was pointed out in another thread, some of what the leader says could point to a sequel...

Niteowl 02-21-2005 11:47 PM

Anyone see the baby bottles in the Wolvark facility?

Shell Man 02-22-2005 12:01 AM

You know it really would have been cool to have Abe as a bounty in the game, but he either eludes Stranger, or he's not worth enough money. I know they wanted a fresh start, but it would have been priceless to have that in the game. Stranger's a bounty hunter, and Abe's wanted.

Esus 02-22-2005 07:00 AM

But Abe isn't wanted by random Clakker towns - he's wanted by the Magog Cartel, who seem to have little influence over the Mongo Valley.