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Oddity95 09-29-2017 12:20 PM

I made this for Oddworld Inhabitants, and all of you Oddworld Fans!
Please have a listen :) im open to hearing feedback, and please subscribe to my channel if youd like to hear more music!!!


also, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE share this on Oddworld Inhabitants social media. im trying to get it put on Soulstorm. at least id like to see that.

Phoetux 09-29-2017 12:41 PM

Damn this is really cool! Great job :D
This thread should be in the Fan Corner btw.

Oddity95 09-29-2017 01:19 PM

Thanks! And Its Already There :)

Nepsotic 09-29-2017 03:59 PM

Why would you make clone threads?

Anyway, I really like the beat, and it seems to be mixed pretty well. Nice use of Oddworld samples too, not just the spoken stuff but in the beat itself. Kind of reminds me of my Rupture Farms remix. Good job dude.

Edit: Your deadmau5 remix is cool too. What DAW are you using?

Oddity95 09-29-2017 04:57 PM

Thanks man. I tried to incorperate as much Oddworl Feel as i could. i used Abes foot steps and him jumping of a ledge as the snare, some scrubs and sligs for the high hats, and the paramites and scrabs as effects. my favorite part of it is the end with the birds flapping there wings. i enjoyed making it. i actually talked to oddworld inhabitants today on twitter asking them if they wanted to listen and they said "sure thing :)"

i havent heared back from them yet but i would like for it to be put on there soundtrack for Soulstorm. i could use the help so share it to them as much as possible!!!

im using Fl studio 12.

Yokai 09-29-2017 07:05 PM

I love it!

Oddity95 09-29-2017 08:12 PM

im glad!!!

Littleleeroy 09-29-2017 11:48 PM

I really liked the section from 2:15 onwards with the drums coming in bit by bit. A little repetitive but it has a great groove. Keep doing more! :)

Edit: I wouldn't hold your breath for Oddworld adding it to their soundtrack. The music from Soulstorm so far sounds quite different to yours.
I think if OI came across some really cool music they would ask the artist if they wanted it on the soundtrack. Asking them to put it on might seem a bit pushy. (And would set a precedent for being sent an overload of music!)

Nepsotic 09-30-2017 02:50 AM

Lol, no.

Don't push your shit on people. Making threads and asking them if they want to listen is fine but don't start going beyond that. It's really annoying and there's a shit tonne of new bedroom producers doing the same thing. Just stay quiet and hone your skills.

Also, as if I'd help a competitor ;)

Nemin 09-30-2017 04:23 AM

Dude, your music is good, but it isn't that *exceptional* to be included in the game. Companies don't just go and scavenge their communities to get their content, they have dedicated people to do it.

For your own sake stop before you lose your reputation and people will begin to think you're irritating.

Nepsotic 09-30-2017 08:01 AM

Change your alias and don't be annoying with the new one.

Fuzzle Guy 09-30-2017 01:51 PM


Companies don't just go and scavenge their communities to get their content

Except they did use Oddworld Fan Elodie Adams's 'Born to Love You' in New & Tasty and specifically asked their fans to record voices for the Mudokons.

Really not a fan of this "Never gonna happen, go home kid" attitude in this thread. Can we keep the criticisms constructive?

Oddity95 09-30-2017 05:39 PM

Agreed. im just networking. plus, i justed wanted to share something a fan (me) made for other fans (you guys)

Nepsotic 09-30-2017 05:56 PM

You're networking like an annoying retard is what I'm saying. Shoving shit forcefully in peoples faces, spamming it in random threads, making duplicate threads and spamming it to OWI might get people to know that it exists, but they sure as shit won't want to listen to it. In fact, they'll start to resent you, so tone it down.

Can we keep the criticisms constructive?
Fuck off dude, you must've skipped the post where I described in detail everything that I liked about the track. Your post isn't exactly constructive or needed in any way.

Except they did use Oddworld Fan Elodie Adams's 'Born to Love You' in New & Tasty and specifically asked their fans to record voices for the Mudokons.
Yeah, they asked.

Asking fans for content is not equivalent to shoving your content down OWI's throat.

OWI_Alex 10-01-2017 12:12 AM


You're networking like an annoying retard is what I'm saying. Shoving shit forcefully in peoples faces, spamming it in random threads, making duplicate threads and spamming it to OWI might get people to know that it exists, but they sure as shit won't want to listen to it. In fact, they'll start to resent you, so tone it down.

Fuck off dude, you must've skipped the post where I described in detail everything that I liked about the track. Your post isn't exactly constructive or needed in any way.

Yeah, they asked.

Asking fans for content is not equivalent to shoving your content down OWI's throat.

Dude, relax. :) Let me worry about whether it's annoying to Oddworld or not.

Nemin 10-01-2017 02:06 AM

Come on

specifically asked their fans to record voices for the Mudokons.

Specifically asking =/= someone asking to be included.
You're talking about an entire different thing.


Can we keep the criticisms constructive?
Yeah, because Nep has done nothing like that. It's not like he explained his likings and dislikings in a constructive manner.


Really not a fan of this "Never gonna happen, go home kid" attitude in this thread.
This is the realistic attitude, putting your stuff up and expecting it to be included is an already failed aspiration.

If you don't expect it to be included then two things can happen. They really don't include it, "Oh well" you say and carry on. They actually include it "Holy shit" you say and become very happy with yourself.

And the real problem still is not that he wants it inside the game, but that he is spamming it in this forum. It's not like this thread would disappear soon, why repost it two more times?

Vlam 10-01-2017 02:40 AM

Fuzzle Guy is right about Elodie Adams though:

Lorne Lanning: Another case is Elodie Adams, a singer songwriter out of Australia. She posted some music she had made on FB and showed interest in wanting to do something for us. I heard the song and while we didn’t have the budget to start new compositions out of the blue, we still thought it would be perfect to include her song for our end credit sequence. She’s got an amazing voice and if we could do something to bring her any additional exposure, which is difficult to get these days, then we would want to help her get it. She retains her rights and ownership of her music, just as Alex does on his painting.

Manco 10-01-2017 03:05 AM


Fuck off dude, you must've skipped the post where I described in detail everything that I liked about the track. Your post isn't exactly constructive or needed in any way.


Yeah, because Nep has done nothing like that. It's not like he explained his likings and dislikings in a constructive manner.

Nobody said there wasn’t any constructive criticism in this thread, Fuzzle Guy was asking to keep the criticism constructive. As in, stay constructive and don’t veer off into sarcasm and “go away and try again later”, like what happened.

SlashClaw 10-01-2017 02:53 PM

it's pretty good

Nepsotic 10-01-2017 02:55 PM


Fuzzle Guy is right about Elodie Adams though:

I'm trying to get him to not be so obnoxious about it

Yokai 10-01-2017 04:25 PM


I'm trying to get him to not be so obnoxious about it

You don't have to be so rude about it though. People are going to be less likely to take the constructive criticism if the critic acts like a jerk.

Oddity95 10-01-2017 05:16 PM

Ya Neb. I wont let it bother me, and i get what you mean. but the way youre going about it is a little disrespectful. i just wanted to share an advertise my art. that is all. no need to be hostile about it. if im being obnoxious, then im sure the forum will let me know. I actually held back on putting the link IN EVERY THREAD when i easily could have. but i thought that would be selfish, annoying, and just be plain rude. so be happy that i picked my battle on that. because when you want to expose your art, theres no shame in putting it somewhere where others can see it. but i wouldnt go as far as that.

as for the rest of you, thanks for your support. if its not good enough to get into the game, or even into the office of Oddworld Inhabitants, then itss ok. im just happpy that i could be inspired to make by something i hold near and dear to my heart and share it with the world. I am workingg on some more and i will share it asap. Lorne Lanning, i wish i could tell you and oddworld thank you.

Nepsotic 10-02-2017 02:05 AM

Jesus fucking christ

Xavier 10-02-2017 02:39 AM

ADMIN NOTE: Merged both threads and moved it to Fan Corner.

Nep, I see where you're coming from but please try to communicate in a less agressive way or I'm going to have to give you an infraction.

Oddity95 10-02-2017 11:34 AM


You're networking like an annoying retard is what I'm saying. Shoving shit forcefully in peoples faces, spamming it in random threads, making duplicate threads and spamming it to OWI might get people to know that it exists, but they sure as shit won't want to listen to it. In fact, they'll start to resent you, so tone it down.

Fuck off dude, you must've skipped the post where I described in detail everything that I liked about the track. Your post isn't exactly constructive or needed in any way.

Yeah, they asked.

Asking fans for content is not equivalent to shoving your content down OWI's throat.

wow very respectful this guy. how about eff you. youre the annoying retard. you dont run the forum so shut up. get over it.

Oddity95 10-02-2017 11:37 AM


Oddity95 10-02-2017 11:40 AM

im sorry for my anger, but geez man... im a nice person. i dont understand where you get off nep. if you dont something nice to say, then dont say anything at all. if it bothers you so damn much, quit coming back to this forum to bitch at me over something thats not even against the rules.

Oddity95 10-02-2017 11:44 AM


it's pretty good

Thank you.

Oddity95 10-02-2017 11:47 AM


Specifically asking =/= someone asking to be included.
You're talking about an entire different thing.

Yeah, because Nep has done nothing like that. It's not like he explained his likings and dislikings in a constructive manner.

This is the realistic attitude, putting your stuff up and expecting it to be included is an already failed aspiration.

If you don't expect it to be included then two things can happen. They really don't include it, "Oh well" you say and carry on. They actually include it "Holy shit" you say and become very happy with yourself.

And the real problem still is not that he wants it inside the game, but that he is spamming it in this forum. It's not like this thread would disappear soon, why repost it two more times?

understandable andagreable
but its not what you say, its how you say it.
i was expecting negative comments. but come on. hes going to far.

kapteeni13 10-02-2017 11:48 AM

Could you kindly calm down? I do enjoy your music and hope to listen more in future if possible.