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misty 09-06-2004 04:24 PM

whos your favorite game person?
well who is it tell me. I myself am a huge fan of link, he's my hero.lol :D.now go on tell me who your favorite is, I am ciriouse spelling good is for A students not me.lol

Leto 09-06-2004 08:46 PM

Thats a tough question. I love the Oddworld Characters, but I have to say I like Corp Hart from Timesplitters 2 (Except for Munch, he's closely following!).

Disgruntled Intern 09-06-2004 10:43 PM

Here's my top ten:

1) Link

2) Megaman

3) Mario

4) Samus

5) The Metal Slug cast

6) Little Nemo

7) Donkey Kong

8) Sam 'N Max

9) Tommy Vercetti

10) Abe

oddguy 09-07-2004 12:24 AM

Hmmmm, I've always liked Donkey Kong. DK64 was terrible compared to the SNES adventures, though. I think he'll get a great comeback with this new gamecube stuff coming out. Bongo Drum controller.

Mario...classic. I actualy bought Super Mario AllStars at blockbuster the other day for my SNES. Best $3 I've ever spent.


Al the Glukkon 09-07-2004 01:22 AM

Mr. X from resident evil 2
I'll think of others.

VaniLLaKiLLah 09-07-2004 03:15 AM

here are some of mine:
abe, sonic the hedgehog, lara croft, chastity detroit (from timesplitters2) and rayman.


paramiteabe 09-07-2004 03:43 AM

Here are mine
Mega Man
Mega Man X
classic Mario
Samus Aran
Mother Brain
Big Face
Diddy Kong
Donkey Kong

Fez 09-07-2004 08:05 AM

Master Chief :p

Abe & Munch


Alpha 09-07-2004 08:11 AM

okay mine Master Chief Abe Munch the blind mud at the end of abes exoudouss who hits his thumb with a hammer Alf Stranger Shrink erm.... more or less it.

ANN NEELY 09-07-2004 12:12 PM

Donkey Kong
I probably have a few others, but I can't think straight today. *Falls out of chair*

a flock of seagulls 09-07-2004 01:58 PM

eh the ancient pred from avp2 primal hunt. hes kewliest! with his energy flechette!

Big_Bro_Slig222 09-07-2004 03:53 PM

In no particular order...


DarkHoodness 09-07-2004 04:11 PM

Some of my faves:

1) Gordon Freeman (Half-Life)
2) Abe (Oddworld games)
3) Ryu (All Breath of Fire games, although his character varies slightly between sequals, he remains much the same.)
4) Tommy Vercetti (Vice City)
5) Damarus (Unreal Tournament 2003/4)
6) The Final Fantasy X cast (Tidus, Yuna, Auron, Wakka, Lulu, Rikku, Kimhari. I just love the way they interract with each other and stuff, and the way you can relate to just about any of them).

- DH

SeaRex 09-07-2004 04:37 PM

Playable characters: Abe, Link, and Orta, among others that I can't remember. There aren't really that many "great" video game characters.

But overall... Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2. He's not an enemy. He's a respectable acquaintance that wants to kill you.

misty 09-07-2004 06:42 PM

wow you all have rock on favorite vg people! I am happy you guys/gals sent replys. You all are very interesting. :fuzgrin: ^_^

Cloverfield 09-07-2004 06:46 PM

Uh oh ... this kind of topic and my obsession with a certain video game character is going to lead to a rather fan-girlish post. ;)

As is somewhat obvious ... my favorite character is none other than the great Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII / Advent Children / Kingdom Hearts. :D I'm obsessed with him ... and he's so goddamn gorgeous and sexy!!! I love him so much, especially in Advent Children where he is to die for! I could go on forever about Sephy! :blush:

Okay, I had better stop now.

I also like Abe and Munch as characters. And of course Yuna from FFX is the only game character that I have ever related to, so she's another favorite.

Abe Babe...

misty 09-07-2004 07:06 PM

wow Abe Babe you are obsessed with him as well.....well this is somthing I cannot allow myself to speak of....I might become a slave to my speaking and never stop rambeling about the subject. :fuzemb: But whos to say thats a bad thing. ahh, so much time put into finding good wall scroll posters of him...well anywho, cool persons, continue posting. :fuzgrin:

Cloverfield 09-07-2004 07:10 PM

You're a Sephy fan??? That's awesome ... finally there is someone else on these forums who is also a fan of Sephy! How come you didn't mention it in your first post though? Heh, yeah ... I have only three wall scrolls of him so far, I wish they would release more. There's a KH one I think that I haven't bought yet. You can never get enough Sephy! On my other forum, it is full of obsessed fan girls, but I always get to claim him as my own as I own the site! ;)

Abe Babe...

Cyber-Slig 09-08-2004 10:49 AM

I haven't played a game with Sephiroth but from what I har he is Uber - Cool .... Off-topic hey AFOS you play AvP 2 online ? PM me yer name and Ill give ya a match on-topic my fav game chars are

1. Abe
3.Master Chief
4.Sam Fisher
5.Astaroth (soul caliber 2 )

I am fascinated by Astaroth . I think he is my fav..

abe333 09-08-2004 10:56 AM

1. Donkey Kong.
2. Rest of DK family
3. Mario.
4. Rest of Mario family, mushroom kingdom.

Al the Glukkon 09-08-2004 11:10 AM


I haven't played a game with Sephiroth but from what I har he is Uber - Cool

Yes he is. I still can't beat him in Kingdom Hearts (or hurt him for that matter:confused: ).

I just got Final Fantasy VII and have not met him yet. But I think Barret is a good character. So is Aeris.

I also like
Riku (Kingdom Hearts)

Fox McCloud (Starfox)

And Lan Di from Shenmue because he can kill someone with two fingers

There are some others too.

Facsimile 09-08-2004 11:34 PM

Cloud Strife
Sephiroth (no where near to the degree of Abe Babe though)
Solid Snake

The Red Muse 09-09-2004 12:08 AM


Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2. He's not an enemy. He's a respectable acquaintance that wants to kill you.

Oooh... Pyramid heads are fun :D I just love the sword you can get from them :) My favourite weapon.

But anyway...
Aeris Gainsborough -The.Best.Ever. Damn Sephy for killing her. *is a Sephy hater*
Tommy Vercetti
everything from Silent Hill - I love Silent Hill games :)
Leon Kennedy
Sydney Losstarot

The Gungrave 09-09-2004 03:34 AM

Viewtiful Joe
Riddick (does he count?)
Ryu (ninja gaiden/doa)
and...ahem...The Gungrave

Hobo 09-09-2004 05:56 AM

Cloud (FFVII) So Damn Cool!
Moby (SSX Series) British and cool too
The Nameless One (Planescape Torment) Great character with lots of. Erm. Character
Myself (Black And White) I'm just so deliciously evil

I must make a point that I hate Munch. He is so damn irritating. *Murders the little CF*

Nate 09-09-2004 12:58 PM

Laverne, Hoagie and Bernard from DOTT. Rather frighteningly, they'd probably fit in with my circle of friends quite well.
Ben from Full Throttle, though he'd probably kick my arse.
Though I like Abe, he'd probably start irritating me very quickly.

Sekto Springs 09-09-2004 01:02 PM

Abe (though I'm a bit sick of him)

Mac the Janitor 09-09-2004 05:14 PM

Sam and Max and the entire cast of Day of the Tentacle. Ah, the olden days of Lucasarts.

EDIT: Just looking back on this topic it appears both of my choices were already mentioned. Good taste my men, good taste.

sligster 09-09-2004 05:29 PM

no order here...

Samus (Metroid series)
Master Chief (Halo)
Conker (Conker's Bad Fur Day/ Live and Reloaded)
Boogerman (Boogerman)
Auron (FFX)
The Great Mighty Poo (Conker's Bad Fur Day/ Live and Reloaded)
Earthworm Jim (Earthworm Jim)
Sephiroth (FFVII)
Baal (Diablo 2: LoD)
Illidan (Warcraft 3)
Greg (Conker's Bad Fur Day/ Live and Reloaded)
Newscaster Slig (AE)
Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden series/ Dead or Alive series)
Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell series)
Tommy Vercetti (GTA: VC)
Nightmare (Soul Calibur 2)
The little devil cat dude from Earthworm Jim
Tarma (Metal Slug)

just to name a few....

Mac the Janitor 09-09-2004 05:38 PM

Ooh, I'd also like to mention the skeleton guy from MediEvil. Man oh man how I love that game. Anyone else played it?