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-   -   Hey, let's not all mess up FennecFyre's welcome thread. (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=22135)

Nate 02-27-2016 03:59 PM

Hey, let's not all mess up FennecFyre's welcome thread.
MOD EDIT: This post and a bunch of those responding to it were split off from this thread here.

I want to make it clear in this thread and elsewhere: Transphobic and homophobic language isn't acceptable on these forums, even when not addressed to trans or gay people. Also, making jokes about a female member just because she's a female makes you a dick. And the members of OWF only like dicks in the most literal sense.

Nepsotic 02-27-2016 06:39 PM

Ah, so only jokes that don't offend special snowflakes are okay. Isn't it a bit hypocritical to say you can make a joke about one thing but not about another? What if I'm offended by A Fanart? Can I have it removed because it hurts my poorly little feelings?

FennecFyre 02-27-2016 06:55 PM

Do we need a Safe Space subforum where people can post when they've been #triggered?

I won't comment on the gay/trans jokes because I am neither gay nor trans, but in all seriousness, I'm not going to get that upset if someone jokes because I'm a girl. Given that I'm currently majoring in a field that's mostly guys (game design, AKA I'm probably gonna be poor as hell my entire life but at least I'll be having fun) there's really no point in getting my panties in a wad about things like that.

So yeah sexism is bad but I can handle a joke. ANYWAY, how's everyone doing? I'm lurking on OWF instead of working on the paper that's due Monday.

Nepsotic 02-27-2016 07:03 PM

Sexism is bad but it isn't nearly as big of an issue as people think it is. Also, I like you, you're cool. I also studied games design up until a few weeks ago where I got sick of going and decided to stop because it was making me miserable.
Oh and yeah, Nate, give us our fucking safe space you cunt!

Havoc 02-28-2016 01:44 AM


I want to make it clear in this thread and elsewhere: Transphobic and homophobic language isn't acceptable on these forums, even when not addressed to trans or gay people. Also, making jokes about a female member just because she's a female makes you a dick. And the members of OWF only like dicks in the most literal sense.


Nothing said in this thread even warrants a warning like that. Everything here is obviously said in a joking fashion and if people can't take that they are like a white guy in Harlem. Completely in the wrong fucking place.

To drive this home I will now make a sexist comment to our newest female member because I know she can take it (ha, take it).

Hey Fennec, how you doin'? :fuzwink:

Nate 02-28-2016 03:11 AM


Ah, so only jokes that don't offend special snowflakes are okay. Isn't it a bit hypocritical to say you can make a joke about one thing but not about another? What if I'm offended by A Fanart? Can I have it removed because it hurts my poorly little feelings?

This isn't about special snowflakes. This is about you explicitly bullying another member of OWF using a term that you knew would offend her.

Also, if you were offended by A Fanart, I'd definitely consider taking it down. But you're not a special snowflake, so I know you're not offended by it.

There's a distinction between a joke that mentions homosexuality and a homophobic joke. Nothing about what I said implied a fear, dislike, or hatred of gay people.


Nothing said in this thread even warrants a warning like that. Everything here is obviously said in a joking fashion and if people can't take that they are like a white guy in Harlem. Completely in the wrong fucking place.

All other things being equal, I'd agree with you. But there's a shitload more going on here than you know about. As I pointed out above, Nep wasn't insulting Vyrien by calling her 'tranny'. He was using the term because he knew that another member found it offensive. It wasn't a joke, it was him being a dick.

Nepsotic 02-28-2016 03:35 AM

I'm not going to censor myself from using certain words because some people might hurt their feewings D:

I was not being a dick, it's called banter. I frequently joke with Vyrien about it and if somebody gets offended by a word that 8snt directed at them, then that's their problem.
Jesus fucking Christ, last I checked this was OWF, not fucking BuzzFeed. Should I put a trigger warning at the top of my posts from now on, too?

There's a distinction between a joke that mentions homosexuality and a homophobic joke. Nothing about what I said implied a fear, dislike, or hatred of gay people.
So basically, what you're saying is you will call the shots on what is okay and what isn't because those terms are way too fucking vague.

Holy Sock 02-28-2016 03:53 AM

More importantly I can't believe I said "your" instead of "you're". I'm fucking disgusted with myself.

Vyrien 02-28-2016 03:55 AM

I don't actually think Nep was trying to antagonise other members, we call each other faggot all the time here and nobody bats an eye, a slur which is arguably worse than 'tranny'. Like he says, it's a running joke anyway (I am manly as fuck) and I thought the implication was that I'm a dude in drag, rather than an individual suffering with gender dysphoria.

FrustratedAssassin 02-28-2016 03:56 AM


So basically, what you're saying is you will call the shots on what is okay and what isn't because those terms are way too fucking vague.

What he's saying is that there's an important distinction between mentioning gay people and being homophobic. If you can't see the distinction that's your problem.


Should I put a trigger warning at the top of my posts from now on, too?

Strawman game so strong

But what do I know? I'm just a tranny SJW.

Nepsotic 02-28-2016 04:01 AM


Christ, this forum is a fucking shambles.

Nate 02-28-2016 04:09 AM


I was not being a dick, it's called banter. I frequently joke with Vyrien about it and if somebody gets offended by a word that 8snt directed at them, then that's their problem.

If that's all it was, then I'd simply have asked you not to use the word 'tranny' and left it there. But as you well know, your post wasn't actually directed at Vyrien.


So basically, what you're saying is you will call the shots on what is okay and what isn't because those terms are way too fucking vague.

  1. The state of being sexually and romantically attracted primarily or exclusively to persons of the same sex.
  2. Sexual activity with a person of the same sex.
  3. The inability to form a permanent bond with a member of the opposite sex.

  1. (derogatory) Fear, dislike or hatred of homosexuals.

These terms are not vague in any way, shape, or form.

Also, no-one accused you of being homophobic. Strawman, again.

Nepsotic 02-28-2016 04:12 AM

FrustratingAssassin definitely accused me of being homophobic.
And I'll tell you this. Gay jokes are not homophobic. No jokes have an opinion on any issue because they are jokes, you know what a joke i- no, forget it of course you don't.

And yeah, it's vague because there's a blurred line there. It seems you completely ignored Vyrien's post where she pointed out that we frequently call each other faggots.

Also, she just used the word tranny. I'm offended. Give her an infraction please kthxbai

Nate 02-28-2016 04:15 AM

I don't care what the fuck you call Vyrien. I care about the context around it. As I've said multiple times and you keep ignoring: This isn't about you and Vyrien.

And if FA called you homophobic, then she's misusing the term and probably meant transphobic.

Nepsotic 02-28-2016 04:19 AM

Even some of my closest friends are trans, but no, no, I'm sure FA knows me much better than I know myself. How foolish I was to assume otherwise.


I don't care what the fuck you call Vyrien. I care the context around it.
It feels like you both are trying really hard to make it look like I care enough about a person to go out of my way to offend them this much. I do not. I do not give one, solitary shit about FA or what she is offended by. I do give a solitary shit about making a joke to a friend in a thread with a relevant context. And that is what it was.

FrustratedAssassin 02-28-2016 04:22 AM


FrustratingAssassin definitely accused me of being homophobic.

I literally did not. All I was saying was that there's a difference between Nate's joke and a homophobic joke.


And I'll tell you this. Gay jokes are not homophobic. No jokes have an opinion on any issue because they are jokes, you know what a joke i- no, forget it of course you don't.

Are you literally doing this?


Also, she just used the word tranny. I'm offended. Give her an infraction please kthxbai

Also, I was paraphrasing you and even if I wasn't, I was talking about myself.

Nate 02-28-2016 04:27 AM


It feels like you both are trying really hard to make it look like I care enough about a person to go out of my way to offend them this much. I do not. I do not give one, solitary shit about FA or what she is offended by. I do give a solitary shit about making a joke to a friend in a thread with a relevant context. And that is what it was.

Why would you change your avatars to a picture of FA that you knew she didn't like if you didn't care about offending her?

Nepsotic 02-28-2016 04:31 AM

It was more of a statement. It annoyed me how you can get anything taken down if you don't like it.
That isn't right, Nate.
You said if I was legitimately offended by something you probably would have it removed. Why? I wouldn't want you to do that. It's patronising and it doesn't forward discussion at all. It's just censorship. Even if it was a dumb joke.

enchilado 02-28-2016 04:34 AM


some of my closest friends are trans

What an original excuse! I've literally never heard this one before!

Nate 02-28-2016 04:35 AM


It was more of a statement. It annoyed me how you can get anything taken down if you don't like it.
That isn't right, Nate.
You said if I was legitimately offended by something you probably would have it removed. Why? I wouldn't want you to do that. It's patronising and it doesn't forward discussion at all. It's just censorship. Even if it was a dumb joke.

How about you read through this thread again, find every single post saying that the mods need to police bullying and offensive behaviour so that this place becomes more welcome to new members, then reply to them and say why they're wrong?

Nepsotic 02-28-2016 04:37 AM

I would Nate but I just woke up and I can't be fucked reading all that right now. Could you make it into like an easily digestible video or something? Like a top ten. Just, just do what BuzzFeed would do. You've taken cues from them before so it shouldn't be an issue.

What an original excuse! I've literally never heard this one before!
Tell me how exactly it doesn't work. Seriously, I knew you'd come back with this, tell me precisely how me supporting somebody through their body identity issues and promising to be their for them makes me transphobic. Enlighten me please, because I'm very eager to hear it.

Nate 02-28-2016 04:43 AM

You acted transphobic. Having trans friends doesn't excuse you for bullying a person for being trans. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

Nepsotic 02-28-2016 04:44 AM

Calling someone (who, might I add, is totally okay with it) a tranny as a joke =/= bullying a person for being trans.

Nate 02-28-2016 04:45 AM


Calling someone (who, might I add, is totally okay with it) a tranny as a joke =/= a person for being trans.

I refer you back to my previous post.

FrustratedAssassin 02-28-2016 04:48 AM

Shit no ignore post I can't read

Nepsotic 02-28-2016 04:49 AM

I wasn't bullying you, you precious llittle flower, I was making a joke. And yes, before you come back with your stupid bullshit rhetoric, that does make it okay

I refer you back to my previous post.
And I refer you back to THIS QUOTE

I was making a joke at Vyrien's expense! I know it FA may find it difficult to understand that not everything revolves around her, but she must if she is to become a true Jedi.

Manco 02-28-2016 04:52 AM


Could you make it into like an easily digestible video or something? Like a top ten. Just, just do what BuzzFeed would do. You've taken cues from them before so it shouldn't be an issue.

This is the funniest fucking thing coming from someone who’s previously quoted Youtubers for their political opinions.

enchilado 02-28-2016 04:52 AM


tell me precisely how me supporting somebody through their body identity issues and promising to be their for them makes me transphobic

Whether or not you are transphobic is not the issue. What matters is whether your words and actions here were.


that does make it okay

Are you able to explain why exactly laughing at someone while you insult them is better than just insulting them?

Nepsotic 02-28-2016 04:55 AM

Because it's funny. For both parties. Unless that person is a special snowflake who takes everything to heart.


Whether or not you are transphobic is not the issue. What matters is whether your words and actions here were.
Are you an idiot? Because I think you might be an idiot.

This is the funniest fucking thing coming from someone who’s previously quoted Youtubers for their political opinions.
I never quoted a dumb top ten video. I quoted videos that hold the same opinion as me because it's easier than typing it all up.

Varrok 02-28-2016 05:00 AM

In defence of Nepsotic, saying:


Whether or not you are transphobic is not the issue. What matters is whether your words and actions here were.
does make you look a little bit like:

(it's not the most loved video on youtube)