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oblivionkeeper23 04-06-2017 05:46 PM

HS Senior asks for advice
Heya, chumps. :fuzcool:
I will be graduating from high school in a few weeks, and I wanna go out with a bang. What are some good senior pranks to do? I wanna hear your ideas.

(Also, any graduation stories, advice for college, and other things post-high school related would be mighty appreciated!:fuzgrin:)

Yokai 04-08-2017 05:39 PM

As someone who attended a year of Fine Arts, make sure your teachers are actually good. Two of mine flunked me despite handing in all my assignments on time and having perfect attendance, and didn't even warn me I was flunking. I now can't go back to college without remembering those two teachers.

Nate 04-09-2017 02:01 PM


As someone who attended a year of Fine Arts, make sure your teachers are actually good. Two of mine flunked me despite handing in all my assignments on time and having perfect attendance, and didn't even warn me I was flunking. I now can't go back to college without remembering those two teachers.

Oh dear god. You're describing my old boss and the last year of my job.

STM 04-09-2017 09:53 PM

Bomb scare.

Lord Vhazen 04-13-2017 12:58 AM

Go find the old A Fan Art meme, print a thousand copies with their machines, and post them all over every billboard in every room and hallway in every building with the text

Shrykull43 04-14-2017 02:05 PM


Go find the old A Fan Art meme, print a thousand copies with their machines, and post them all over every billboard in every room and hallway in every building with the text


Also as someone finishing their Freshman college year i can say that college and HS are about as alike as abe and molluck. Don't let preconceived notions from HS (cliques, stereotypes, how grades work, etc.) drag you down in college and be friendly with everyone. One piece of advice someone gave me for surviving college was "don't be a dick" as long as you're not being a dick your problems will be few and others will be willing to help you when you do have a problem.

Yokai 04-14-2017 07:07 PM


Go find the old A Fan Art meme, print a thousand copies with their machines, and post them all over every billboard in every room and hallway in every building with the text

That would be HILARIOUS. They'll probably have to look up who Abe is though, LOL. :tard::fuzgrin:

Also, be sure to be on time for classes and do NOT miss a class. You get marks for attendance. And make sure you cite your sources for your written assignments since the professors/teachers are going to want to know where you came to your conclusions.

Nate 04-14-2017 11:05 PM


And make sure you cite your sources for your written assignments since the professors/teachers are going to want to know where you came to your conclusions.

And never, ever cite Wikipedia!

JayDee 04-15-2017 08:11 AM

I'm an unwilling university drop out. I was supposed to be resitting my first year of university which I'd ended up not passing due to an incompetent student financial system, as well as certain mental health issues exacerbated by living in a lot of debt to my landlord, issues at the home I'd moved away from for the first time, and starving myself. It's amazing how food no longer becomes necessity when you have to pay for it with money you don't have.
Anyway, I'd sorted everything out with my University advisors to resit my year and actually have enough money to live on, only to call up in September as I'd not heard anything back from my Uni.

Me: So.. I've not heard anything about when I start my course. When do I start my course?
Friendly Telephone Representative: Oh, we've dropped you from your course. You're not at this university anymore.
Me: Well, thanks for letting me know?
My university experience was a clusterfuck of Murphy's Laws and anything that could go wrong, did go wrong.

But as for pranks, I don't know. Steal all the clay and mould it into some kind of phallus. Steal all the paper and Papier-mâché it into some kind of phallus. Steal all of the armature wire and bend it into some kind of phallus.

Gunnr 04-17-2017 10:00 AM

Idk, put lotion on all the class/staff room doorknobs?