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Shrykull43 02-15-2016 09:14 PM

Final Fantasy IX HD on PC
So this game is finally getting a PC release. It has been a long time coming considering this game is one of the most adored FF games just behind FF7. During initial release it was shadowed by vii and viii so it didn't get a pc release but now it's finally here. Since they still have many of the original HD renderings as seen here a PS4 release is not out of the question should they decide to make use of them. Or possibly a full on remake after ff7 is released. Thoughts???

Varrok 02-16-2016 12:12 AM

Hope it's not gonna be like FF6 HD

Shrykull43 02-16-2016 01:27 PM


Hope it's not gonna be like FF6 HD

ditto, that was a disaster

Mr. Bungle 02-16-2016 05:30 PM

I might get it if it has better load times than the PS1 version. Those were simply nauseating.

Shrykull43 02-16-2016 06:32 PM


I might get it if it has better load times than the PS1 version. Those were simply nauseating.

especially because the loading screens were just black screens so it always looked frozen

Paul 02-17-2016 12:07 PM

Sounds like it could be good, shame they didn't keep the actual HD pre-rendered backgrounds though.

Varrok 02-17-2016 12:20 PM

Did they say whether they'll be using the HD renders or not?

Paul 02-17-2016 12:35 PM


Did they say whether they'll be using the HD renders or not?

I dunno why but I'm sure I read somewhere that they actually don't have the original art anymore, so they can only filter/upscale.

Edit: You must check this out if you're a fan of the game though: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=551612

Varrok 02-17-2016 12:40 PM

Yeah, I've seen them, Shrykull linked it in the top post. They look gorgeous

Paul 02-17-2016 01:09 PM

Ah... so he did.. damn.

Shrykull43 02-23-2016 03:04 PM

In the screenshots it looks like they are using them but I'm not sure if they are or just some really nice upscaling...

Mac Sirloin 02-27-2016 07:16 PM

This is great news, Final Fantasy IX is easily my favorite in the series. My only qualm is with the price--the mobile version is about 30$ which is a little steep if you ask me. Also surprised that it's not releasing concurrently on PS4 like FFVII eventually did.

Regardless, FFIX is a great game in general. It hits all the notes just right, and not needing to tolerate those insidious load times is a godsend. As soon as it's available on the Vita/PS4 I'll pick it right up.

Shrykull43 02-27-2016 07:36 PM

Now if only we could get a PC release date....

Varrok 04-15-2016 12:56 AM

http://store.steampowered.com/app/377840/ It's out now. Anybody tried it yet?

Paul 04-16-2016 03:35 PM


http://store.steampowered.com/app/377840/ It's out now. Anybody tried it yet?

Better than what I expected so far, the only real let down is the backgrounds not being re-rendered. They seem to have applied some generic scaling or scaled by hand or something, much better than PS1 anyway.

Since its Unity and the whole game is C# there will probably be some crazy mods created in the future since its quite easy to see the games entire source.

Varrok 04-17-2016 12:33 AM

Isn't Unity mod-unfriendly?

Paul 04-17-2016 03:32 AM


Isn't Unity mod-unfriendly?

Not sure, but since you can decompile and recompile the whole game..