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Cool Paramite 08-24-2001 07:29 AM

Munch's voice
Does anyone know how Munch's voice sounds? I think funny, but never heard it.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Xavier 08-24-2001 12:25 PM

you can listen to his voice on this video

[ August 24, 2001: Message edited by: Xavier ]

Cool Paramite 08-24-2001 12:51 PM

Wow! :eek: Thanks! A mega cool and mega long trailer! Munch's voice is good!

[ August 24, 2001: Message edited by: Cool Paramite ]

Xavier 08-24-2001 12:54 PM

Hey, it's on Xbox official site men

Pilot 08-24-2001 03:26 PM

Lorne does munch's voice. He says that it is supposed to sound 'sweet and innocent' and it's also supposed to make you cry.

Dakkan Blackblade 08-25-2001 08:46 PM

Sounds lie Abe on Helium.

Cloverfield 08-27-2001 03:31 AM

I think that Munch sounds like a younger version of Abe.

When I first saw the intro movie to Munch's Oddysee at OWI I cried. It was really sad.

Abe Babe...

Capri Ream 09-01-2001 02:05 AM

I want to see the movie for the trailer but my mom won't let me upgrade her media player! Anyway, Munchie sounds so cute and lovable!!!!

Ronixis 09-06-2001 08:35 PM

I actually didn't think that gabbits spoke Glukkon.

Andrea 11-29-2001 08:16 PM

Munch sounds so cute I just want to tickle him!

SeaRex 11-29-2001 09:29 PM

Munch sounds like Abe after a severe stroke.

Eibu 11-29-2001 09:36 PM

I think everything about Munch was meant to induce a sympathetic response in everyone, and this includes his voice which seems like he has to force it out every time he talks.

He could probably be telling a joke about three blondes and I would still feel sorry for him...

paramiteabe 11-30-2001 10:38 AM

I think he sounds like a smashed Abe. You think his voice will change for Munch's Exodus like Abes?

Brew Master 11-30-2001 12:21 PM

Listen carefully, I think Munch has a bit of a country accent, with some ebonics thrown in the things he says...

Xavier 11-30-2001 01:00 PM

hmmmmmm he have a Frog like accent... very strange...

Lantra 12-02-2001 03:11 AM

i like munch's voice...although it is very very similar too abe's