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MeechMunchie 01-31-2011 07:33 AM

Fun with sounds.dat
Not a day goes by, it seems, without somebody asking me the question. It is a question that has driven men insane, that has tested the greatest minds that have ever lived. Well, I finally broke under the constant pestering, and I have found an answer to that age-old question:

What happens if I replace the Abe's Exoddus sounds.dat file with the first 5:47 of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody?

The answer?


I may well post some gameplay videos soon, so you may at last be free from endless wondering.

Sorry about quality/squashing of the video. Blame CamStudio, not me.

Scraby 01-31-2011 07:42 AM

nice! looks good :) +rep

kapteeni13 01-31-2011 08:52 AM

Hahhahhaa! This is great :D
Hey, can you use any lenght of songs? :)
Does any .mp3 work like .dat? ;)

I will know how to do but just asking for cormfing :)

NovaMan 01-31-2011 10:00 AM

My own sounds.dat files:

Edited with goldwave.

Paul 01-31-2011 01:59 PM

lol @ the paramite part

MeechMunchie 02-01-2011 05:09 AM


nice! looks good :) +rep



Hahhahhaa! This is great :D
Hey, can you use any lenght of songs? :)
Does any .mp3 work like .dat? ;)

I will know how to do but just asking for cormfing :)

Any sound file will do, but it can't be longer than 5:4something (check it yourself, or I'll check next time I replace it)


My own sounds.dat files:

Edited with goldwave.

Hey! Get your own thread! :p I've noticed you posting your own stuff in other people's threads quite a lot, and just so you know, it's not particularly polite.


lol @ the paramite part

I think the singing Glukkon was the funniest.

Gameplay demo vids soon, then maybe one of me playing. After that, I might be accepting suggestions for songs. If you can think of one that sounds good cut up, like scat or a capella, tell me!

NovaMan 02-01-2011 10:47 AM


Hey! Get your own thread! :p I've noticed you posting your own stuff in other people's threads quite a lot, and just so you know, it's not particularly polite.

Why a new thread for minor things?

MeechMunchie 02-01-2011 01:03 PM

Why not your own thread for all of your minor things together?

NovaMan 02-02-2011 07:32 AM


Why not your own thread for all of your minor things together?

I should post everything at once? So it is major, instead of minor.
Or too many threads = each thread have it's own content.


And then please go back to this thread, regarding your original post.

Chubfish 02-02-2011 04:09 PM

If you need help recording, I can help, but this is nice work!

Xavier 02-03-2011 02:18 AM

Funny stuff :p

MeechMunchie 02-03-2011 11:36 AM

AI gameplay demos video. Fixed the resolution, but the audio becomes waaay out of sync by the end.

EDIT: I like the musical explosions.

NovaMan 02-03-2011 12:21 PM

Can you make a video of my sound files?
They are:

Then after extraction, rename them to only sounds.dat
Then run the game and enjoy the sound changes.

Manco 02-03-2011 01:21 PM

Am I right in saying the in-game background music is also being changed by this?

It's definitely not the default music; it sounds to me like it's audio clips from Bohemian Rhapsody arranged to sound like the default music.

NovaMan 02-03-2011 01:24 PM

Compare it to a corrupted sample library.

MeechMunchie 02-03-2011 01:44 PM


Am I right in saying the in-game background music is also being changed by this?

It's definitely not the default music; it sounds to me like it's audio clips from Bohemian Rhapsody arranged to sound like the default music.

I noticed this myself. I think some of the background is music, some is normally made up of sound effects, which I screwed up.

NovaMan, do it yourself! Besides, you didn't even link the files.

Manco 02-03-2011 01:50 PM

That's pretty interesting if it's true; would it mean the music in AE wasn't just a single looping track, but dynamic in some way?

Your next task needs to be to figure out which parts of the sounds.dat file correspond to which in-game sounds, and engineer it so GameSpeak is made up of specific lyrics from the song.

("Hi!" > "Hello." > "Follow me." > "Okay." = "Is" > "this" > "the real" > "life?")

Nate 02-03-2011 03:51 PM


That's pretty interesting if it's true; would it mean the music in AE wasn't just a single looping track, but dynamic in some way?

From memory, didn't it change when you possessed sligs, or when being chased by them?

Manco 02-03-2011 03:54 PM

Yes, but to what seems to be a pre-defined and separate tune, not a dynamic rearrangement of the current level's music.

MeechMunchie 02-03-2011 11:30 PM

There were definitely dynamic elements: Do me a favour and go play the Scrabanian Temple Chase or the first secret area in the Stockyards (through the bird portal in the background) again. When you fall into the path of a Scrab the music changes, as we all know (and saved my life on numerous occasions as I became aware of the presence of an unseen preadator), but listen carefully as you jump over chasms. Every time the Scrab jumps a big drumbeat hits.

Also posessing Glukkons in AE. As you walk a little tinkly xylophone thing goes on very quietly in the background, like the drumming of your little toes.


Your next task needs to be to figure out which parts of the sounds.dat file correspond to which in-game sounds, and engineer it so GameSpeak is made up of specific lyrics from the song.

("Hi!" > "Hello." > "Follow me." > "Okay." = "Is" > "this" > "the real" > "life?")

Hah, nice idea, but it won't happen. I'm just not that good. Have you listened to the sounds.dat? It's five and a half minutes of unceasing sound effects. I'd never be able to cut them all apart. After I do a couple of gameplay videos I'm handing this thread over to the forum masses for their own contributions. I expect Crashpunk will have posted a Scatman John version by the end of the month.

Nate 02-04-2011 03:20 AM

Maybe I've missed something, but what file format is sounds.dat in?

Manco 02-04-2011 06:11 AM


Every time the Scrab jumps a big drumbeat hits.

I have never once noticed this before. That's amazingly subtle.


Maybe I've missed something, but what file format is sounds.dat in?


.dat, a file format
I think you answered your own question.

MeechMunchie 02-04-2011 07:53 AM


I have never once noticed this before. That's amazingly subtle.

It's cool, isn't it? It's like the game saying 'I'm coming to get you...'

Jango 02-04-2011 11:41 AM

Nice work! Well done. +rep :)

AvengingGibbons 02-04-2011 12:05 PM

What I'd like to see is the whistles in Abe's Oddysee changed to high-pitched and low-pitched farts. Imagine what it would be like when you meet those whistling farting native mudokons :)

NovaMan 02-04-2011 02:01 PM


NovaMan, do it yourself! Besides, you didn't even link the files.

Again: http://uploading.com/files/f2f766mf/...at%2Bfiles.zip or http://freakshare.com/files/yzgx56c8...files.zip.html


What I'd like to see is the whistles in Abe's Oddysee changed to high-pitched and low-pitched farts. Imagine what it would be like when you meet those whistling farting native mudokons :)


Nate 02-04-2011 03:34 PM



I think you answered your own question.

Okay, my question was badly worded. I meant to ask how the file is encoded and how I convert an mp3 to a .dat.

kapteeni13 02-05-2011 02:16 AM


Okay, my question was badly worded. I meant to ask how the file is encoded and how I convert an mp3 to a .dat.

I used Audacity for this (Sound program, not converter). I removed sounds.dat from inside and replaced with song. Opening raw files is possible with Audacity.

But if someone know's better program to do this tell me :) :fuzgrin:

NovaMan 02-05-2011 08:15 AM

Have you tried goldwave?

MeechMunchie 02-05-2011 08:51 AM


Okay, my question was badly worded. I meant to ask how the file is encoded and how I convert an mp3 to a .dat.

No idea. I just opened the .dat in Goldwave, pasted Bohemian Rhapsody over it and saved it again.

NovaMan, I'm not your employee.