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oblivionkeeper23 04-04-2017 03:32 PM

Show off your pets
This thread is dedicated to the furry/feathery/slithery creatures we own irl. Show us a picture of your dog, cat, fish, bird, hamster, snake, or any other pet you own!:fuzgrin:

This is my dog, Koko:


And this is my cat, Birch (feat. the fuzzle I made):

Vlam 04-04-2017 04:08 PM

Vhazen's rat:

oblivionkeeper23 04-04-2017 04:11 PM

Look at that cutie! He seems to be stuck, is he gonna be ok?

kjjcarpenter 04-04-2017 08:11 PM

I think it died.

EDIT: Never mind, it's just AWOL.

EDIT EDIT: Nope. It's dead. "Really fucking dead."

Varrok 04-04-2017 09:09 PM

Vhazen isn't too good of a pet owner

Lord Vhazen 04-04-2017 10:36 PM

That guy? Oh he's dead.
Really fucking dead.

We killed the animal rights activist woman who came by too, in case you're wondering Varrok.... I know you're the one who sent her.

Varrok 04-04-2017 10:40 PM

But did you know...

...that I am the one who sent the rat as well?

kjjcarpenter 04-04-2017 10:52 PM

Bears without fur look like rats.


We're on to you Varrok.

Lord Vhazen 04-04-2017 10:53 PM


Bears without fur look like rats.


We're on to you Varrok.

How do you know about the beast???

Varrok 04-04-2017 11:28 PM

Plot twist: It wasn't a rat.

It was a shaved baby bear.

You killed my son.

Xavier 04-04-2017 11:42 PM

Oblivionkeeper23, your pets look adorable. :)

Everybody else, can you please stop derailing threads?

Varrok 04-04-2017 11:47 PM

@oblivionkeeper23, do you encounter any problems having both a dog and a cat in a house?

oblivionkeeper23 04-05-2017 06:52 AM


Oblivionkeeper23, your pets look adorable. :)

Everybody else, can you please stop derailing threads?

Thank you! :happy:


@oblivionkeeper23, do you encounter any problems having both a dog and a cat in a house?

Most of the time they can get along, but sometimes fights happen.

Koko is 4 and she knows by now not to start fights. She gets along with most people. She's a lover, not a fighter.
Birch is about a year old, and he's the one who starts fights, if Koko gets in his way or if she starts sniffing him for too long. Birch just wants his space, though, and he doesn't go out of his way to hurt her. He'll just bat her nose. They've learned to get along and they can sleep in the same room without causing trouble.

Of course, this is due to their personalities, and different dog/cat pairs will have different relationships.

Phoetux 04-05-2017 09:54 AM

Strange, usually young cats are the ones who makes more trouble. Your pussy is particular then.

aaaanyway my pets:


^ This guy's Red, 8 years old iirc


and this girl's Maya, almost 13 years old

Vexen 04-05-2017 04:13 PM


oblivionkeeper23 04-05-2017 05:34 PM

Phoetux, your cats are amazing!!

Vexen, is that really your pet? That's so cool!

Gunnr 04-05-2017 10:45 PM

Ari the tortise

Edit: (jesus, late night typos -_-)

My mothers tortise but might as well be mine. She accidently left the poor thing outside with the dog who punctuted its shell, exposing the membrane that encased his lung. I found the only reptilian vet around, certainly wasn't nearby or cheap. They gave him a nice patch job and has been quite lively and doing well since. Still wont let me have him though :(

kjjcarpenter 04-06-2017 12:02 AM

Gunnr, he looks so sweet!

Vexen 04-06-2017 05:18 AM


Ari the tortise
My mothers tortise but might as well be mine. She accidently left the poor thing was left the poor thing outside with the dog who punctuted its shell exposing the membrane that encased his lung. I found the only reptilian vet around. They gave him a nice patch job and has been quite lively and doing well. Still wont let me have him though :(

How does it feel knowing the tortoise will outlive you?

Varrok 04-06-2017 05:29 AM

You tell us. How does it feel?

Gunnr 04-06-2017 06:58 AM


How does it feel knowing the tortoise will outlive you?

Well if he runs into another dog anytime soon, he probably won't. He isn't much bigger than a hamburger right now (:\

oblivionkeeper23 04-06-2017 08:26 AM

Let's hope nothing happens to him then :)

JayDee 04-13-2017 03:27 PM

When it comes to looking cute my cat Henry is simply the best there is.

oblivionkeeper23 04-13-2017 06:52 PM

!!!!!!!!!! Jay I love Henry! What a cutie!

MrsKJJ 04-13-2017 07:41 PM


Ari the tortise
My mothers tortise but might as well be mine. She accidently left the poor thing outside with the dog who punctuted its shell, exposing the membrane that encased his lung. I found the only reptilian vet around, certainly wasn't nearby or cheap. They gave him a nice patch job and has been quite lively and doing well since. Still wont let me have him though :(

I must congratulate you on a job well done Gunnr! You saved the little one's life, and from one reptile lover to another, "Ya done did good, kid". Keep feeding him watermelon, and I'm sure one day you'll be able to smuggle his hamburger size self out, and into a great home. :fuzwink: I'm working on as much for my in-law's dog. She's about the size of a sheep though, so it's a work in progress. I love her so much. I bring her gifts everytime I visit her and she's always so happy and filled with love. :love:

Besides Lucky Dog, here are our other babies.

Our first born, Junior. He goes by many titles including J-Man, Juan, Bird. Please don't ask me what the Junior stands for though. Give him a camera, and he will pose.

Gimli. My little sook, who loves nothing more than cuddles and mummy love.

Bela is no longer with us, but I think of him every day. He was the bestest kitty a girl could ever ask for.

EDIT: Formatted correctly. I needed Kevin's help.

oblivionkeeper23 04-13-2017 08:04 PM

Your in-law's dog looks so happy! And I love Junior's colorful feathers and sassy poses! Gimli looks so cuddly! I'll miss Bela too (though I never met him, he seems to have been a good kitty)
This right here is why I made this thread, to see some sweet ass animals. And Crystal, you got some sweet ass animals!

MrsKJJ 04-13-2017 08:43 PM


Your in-law's dog looks so happy! And I love Junior's colorful feathers and sassy poses! Gimli looks so cuddly! I'll miss Bela too (though I never met him, he seems to have been a good kitty)
This right here is why I made this thread, to see some sweet ass animals. And Crystal, you got some sweet ass animals!

Thank you!

I know she is technically my in-law's dog, but I just love Lucky so much. I buy her treats and toys each and every time I see her and she just loves to play. Lucky encompasses what happiness should be, her tail is constantly wagging and she always looks like she's smiling. I will openly say she is one of my best friend's and my in-laws have known for a long time, that I visit for the dog. :tard:

Junior is a sassy one. My phone is filled with hundreds of his selfies. He loves himself a bit too much. Just hold a camera to him so he can see himself and he poses like Madonna. He's bossy and as demanding as a toddler who doesn't want to be left alone, but I do love him.

Gimli is my boy. He will just sit on me for hours. He loves giving kisses and snuggling for cuddles, but I'm sad because he's about to go into hibernation until about September or August. I feel like Rainbow Dash serenading Tank, and I should be used to it, but I just miss him so much when he goes.

Bela has been gone for a couple of years now, but he was my baby long before Kevin and I even moved in together. Junior was our first baby whom we raised together, but Bela kind of tagged along for the ride and followed me. He was a Ragdoll cat, so he would go all floppy if you picked him up, and he loved cuddles. He was the fluffiest thing I'd ever seen too.

I'll send you some more pictures if you like in a private message, it's not like I lack them, haha. I feel like such a Facebook Mother right now, talking about my kids and clogging up the thread.

oblivionkeeper23 04-13-2017 09:07 PM


I'll send you some more pictures if you like in a private message, it's not like I lack them, haha.

:fuzgrin: please do!

STM 04-16-2017 03:14 AM


This is Pillock, he's a red spotted point-arse bug, commonly found in the expansive hinterlands of the carpet in my apartment.

JayDee 04-16-2017 05:56 AM



This is Pillock, he's a red spotted point-arse bug, commonly found in the expansive hinterlands of the carpet in my apartment.

This is Tim, he's a silverback gorilla, commonly found in the foisty marshlands of the linoleum in my kitchen.

Also, I'm pretty sure that's a ladybug larvae you've got there.