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-   -   My Oddworld Clay Models! (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=14654)

SligStorm 11-16-2006 04:42 PM

My Oddworld Clay Models!
Hello all, I'm posting to share with you some of my Oddworld Clay Models! They're not ordinary clay they're Fimo which hardens if u cook them.

Well so far I've made a Slig and a Fleech! Enjoy :D

Slig Model- 1
Slig Model- 2
Fleech Model- 1

~~~~~Slig VS Fleech~~~~~
1. Slig Win
2. Fleech Win

ZANGG 11-16-2006 04:48 PM


Arxryl 11-16-2006 07:29 PM

Very interesting. what gave you the inclination to make them?

SligStorm 11-16-2006 07:45 PM


Very interesting. what gave you the inclination to make them?

Well I was bored.. so i fort to have a go at makeing some oddworld characters. lolz :P

Cullen Heath 11-16-2006 08:06 PM

Hey, these are cool! I like the v.s thing you did:p
It would be nice if you made some more!

Arxryl 11-16-2006 08:57 PM

I'd like to see Abe. or any mudokon. that would be sweet.

Creepy Doc 11-17-2006 01:20 AM

Great stuff! I think it surely had to be hard to make that slig.
The fleech looks funny and I also like the Slig VS fleech idea! :D

Matriar 11-17-2006 02:09 AM

Pretty good work, SligStorm! :D

Admiral Pelaeon 11-18-2006 06:54 AM

Wow! This slig looks pretty nice, keep up a good work! What size is it?

I had tens of Oddworld models made from epoxy putty (glukkons, scrabs, sligs etc.) But unfortunately I've lost them all when I've started making a huge model of a Star Wars ship The Executor. I had not enough place to hold and construct this model and gave away all the miniatures (and many other stuff) to my little brother. And advice you to use epoxy putty for making your models, it's easy to use and, when hardened, is just like plastic.

oddlemm 11-19-2006 10:38 AM

I find it funny what you've done with the "Fleech'sl" tougue xD.

Da Big-Cheese 12-04-2006 02:02 PM

I like the slig model its cool, I wanna try that one day :)

skillya_glowi 12-05-2006 07:14 PM

Those are really cute! I tried modeling once and I pretty much sucked at it, so yeah, good work!

Jordan 12-07-2006 10:25 PM

Wow!! These models are wicked! It'd be great to see more if possible! I'm hopeless at making models, I'm glad somebody can do it!

Kiyo 07-10-2014 01:57 PM

You've given me an idea...

(sorry for the bump)

Phylum 07-11-2014 04:57 AM

Apologising for a bump doesn't make it break the rules any less :p

Even if you have something new to add, you're usually just better off making a new thread and linking to the old one. You can only bump threads this old in the Fan Corner, and that's only for people to update their old projects without having to contact a mod.

STM 07-11-2014 12:22 PM

I thought after six months threads were automatically locked down. Never understood how people can necrumate them.

MeechMunchie 07-11-2014 01:48 PM

Fan Corner is exempt, because some people might not post art for months.

Phylum 07-11-2014 04:19 PM

With FC in the current state I don't see why they don't change that and just make it clearer that you need to contact Nate if you want to post in an old thread.

Crashpunk 07-12-2014 04:01 AM

Aww. I was expecting to see new Clay models... :(

Slog Bait 07-12-2014 09:14 PM


With FC in the current state I don't see why they don't change that and just make it clearer that you need to contact Nate if you want to post in an old thread.

Around the time I first made an account I'm pretty sure I had to contact Splat and Nate like 4-5 times to revive the same thread so I was actually relieved when I came back to discover they lifted that

Phylum 07-12-2014 11:29 PM

Actually thinking back they lifted it when FC died off and Splat became more inactive. My suggestion was the total opposite of what actually happened.

Varrok 07-13-2014 01:10 AM

you monster why do you want Splat dead

Gwan-Thwei 07-13-2014 08:53 AM

The slig is actually pretty well made. Is it the kind of clay you can put in the oven and bake? Because that would be a craft i'd keep.

Varrok 07-13-2014 11:51 AM

Psst look at the date

Splat 07-13-2014 02:51 PM


Apologising for a bump doesn't make it break the rules any less :p

Even if you have something new to add, you're usually just better off making a new thread and linking to the old one. You can only bump threads this old in the Fan Corner, and that's only for people to update their old projects without having to contact a mod.

You can revive very old threads in FC, but please only do so if the thread starter (or relevant contributors) are still active and/or the project is assertively still alive.


I thought after six months threads were automatically locked down. Never understood how people can necrumate them.

That applies for the rest of the forum but not for FC, where the condition was lifted under my request after a discussion about it with Nate, many moons ago.


With FC in the current state I don't see why they don't change that and just make it clearer that you need to contact Nate if you want to post in an old thread.

Make Nate do more work?!


Actually thinking back they lifted it when FC died off and Splat became more inactive. My suggestion was the total opposite of what actually happened.

I lurk!
I just have nothing to say much these days. :( But I am watching. Always watching you... It's because I love you.


you monster why do you want Splat dead

OMIGOSH you monster! :crying:

I did notice this thread a few days ago; I was just too lazy to do anything about it.
(P.S. Nice models!)