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-   -   Why do Paramites sound like pigs in Munch's Oddysee? (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=13769)

Glukinator 04-16-2006 11:19 AM

Why do Paramites sound like pigs in Munch's Oddysee?
Why is it that that in MO Paramites sound like pigs?

Cullen Heath 04-16-2006 11:27 AM

QUIT MAKING THREADS, and post ALL of your questions in the Q&A section!!!

We've warned you so many times, I think that's the 5'th time now!
You keep this up, and you'll have a warning coming your way.

Sekto Springs 04-16-2006 11:32 AM

Seriously. You're a living management capability test.

As far as Paramites go, I'm not sure why they sound like pigs. Why do the scrabs sound like dewgongs with colds?

Munch's Master 04-16-2006 11:40 AM

lol at Sekto.
Everyone's right Glukinator, this is a real pointless thread that should only be a question in Oddworld Q&A. You'll find it at the top of the page, oftein bold due to a new post. Are you doing this because you don't know where/when to post questions or threads, or because you're trying to annoy us. If the former, then see the FAQ or ask in Help and Forum Suggestions. If the latter, job well done. I'm trying to help you, it's just not easy to when there's so many unnecessary topics.
As for the question, I don't know and aren't really concerned. And I always throught Paramites squealed and shrieked, maybe the squealing semes like pigs at times.

Sekto Springs 04-16-2006 11:42 AM

They snort too, MM. They sound just like pigs.

Munch's Master 04-16-2006 11:44 AM

Oh, i must have missed the snorting. well I've not played MO in a while, so I can't remember what they sounded like, but in AO and AE they neevr sounded like pigs to me. maybe I'm just strange.

Wil 04-16-2006 12:30 PM

They don't sound like pigs in AO or AE, they sound like Paramites. I think that's the point of the discussion.

I still haven't fathomed why OWI changed the noises. It seems quite pointless, and obviously didn't go down well with the fans.

Glukinator 04-16-2006 06:01 PM

That's what i was trying to say!

Munch's Master 04-17-2006 01:45 AM

Ah right, sorry. Just that i can't remember what Paramites sound like in MO, I've played AO and AE since but not MO.

Bullet Magnet 04-17-2006 03:19 AM

This thread is really important. I studied the language of paramites in AE and stepped out in the paramite run level, confidently screeching and hissing in the paramonian way, only for them to grunt and squeal at me before tearing me to shreds. The disclaimer in the MO manual meant that OWI were entirely free from liability, and were am I left? Torn limb from limb by 3D paramites.

And the scrabs sounded like monkey chattering too. Of course, that wasn't such an issue in terms of language.

outlaw king 04-19-2006 07:17 PM

This thread is so pointless. Glukinator , please , for the love of all that is odd , save these questions for q and A . Creating such topics is a waste of everyones time. However , I find paramites do sound like pigs in AE and MO . But what exactley makes it such a big deal anyways?

Xavier 04-20-2006 02:53 AM

if you don't like a topic, don't post in it
actually you just brought it back, it was sinking since 3 days to the bottom of GD

used:) 04-20-2006 02:55 AM

I agree with Xav on this one, and the glukinator slaughter stuff is getting kind of old.

I suspect the reason for Paramites voice change is that that's just the specific breed of Paramite in the Wilderness region.

Shrink 04-21-2006 03:40 AM


We've warned you so many times, I think that's the 5'th time now!
You keep this up, and you'll have a warning coming your way.
Did this make anyone else laugh? :D

oddveteran93 04-21-2006 03:48 AM

1. Yes it does because it makes no sense.
2. Will someone please close this?

Shrink 04-21-2006 06:07 AM

On the contrary, it makes perfect sense when taken in the context of these forums!
It's still amusing though. ^_^

Wil 04-21-2006 02:21 PM

Please continue spamming the thread up, and I will comply and close it.

Shrink 04-22-2006 01:50 PM

Sounds like a plan.

tentacle_orgy 04-24-2006 04:00 PM

I know why paramites sound like pigs in MO! It's because the devil decided to mess with Lorne's head, making Lorne make the paramites have pig voices, so you, Glukinator, would be confused by it, and ask this question, punishing us all with your unending stupidity...We have sinned, and are paying the price. The end is f|_|cking nigh!

used:) 04-24-2006 04:05 PM

I smell warnings.

Do you think lorne could have been inspired by pig farms to make the noise change?

Wil 04-26-2006 11:05 AM

Your sense of smell is good, Used. I'm going to get off my sympathetic arse and give tentacle_orgy and Cullen a warning each for incessant flaming. I became a moderator again to stamp out this idiocy.

Dave 04-26-2006 06:53 PM

This was covered a while back. No conclusive answer was reached, but my suggestion wasn't contested either. So ... yeah.

So even if it is supposed to be in Oddworld Q&A ... it's been covered.
Do a search.

Is this thread gonna be closed soon?