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-   -   Moderator Changes - Hurrah for Xav! (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=24076)

Nate 09-18-2016 09:25 PM

Moderator Changes - Hurrah for Xav!
As you may have noticed, we got hit by spambots in OT yesterday and today. I think we need more than one active moderator who has powers in the entire forum. To that end, Xavier has now been promoted to Administrator. Congrats to Xav!

At the same time, I've removed Wings of Fire and dripik as moderators. Splat is still a moderator, as he seems to pop by now and then. We are now officially a forum with more admins than regular moderators. Which is fun.

In other news, I've changed the settings so that new members must be approved by Xav or me before being able to post. That'll put a crimp on the spambot menace for the moment.

Varrok 09-18-2016 09:26 PM

Hurray! No more spam-bots!

Vexen 09-18-2016 09:46 PM

You're the best. All those threads were awful. But I think we have a bigger issue. The lack of activity on the forums.

Vlam 09-19-2016 01:28 AM


But I think we have a bigger issue. The lack of activity on the forums.

I heard about something called "Discord".

Havoc 09-19-2016 03:00 AM


In other news, I've changed the settings so that new members must be approved by Xav or me before being able to post. That'll put a crimp on the spambot menace for the moment.

Oh great, so we're back to that :fuzemb:

Varrok 09-19-2016 06:46 AM

It's a temporary measure, or so it seems. I'm okay with that, until Alcar finally gives up to the torture and upgrade the forums

Vexen 09-19-2016 06:51 AM



I heard about something called "Discord".

Damn you, I don't want to make the move to discord.

Nepsotic 09-19-2016 08:55 AM

Nobody else is allowed in the Discord. There's too many spam bots.

FennecFyre 09-19-2016 09:06 AM

Grats Xav and thanks for taking care of the bots Nate.

Ehhh Discord isn't all that bad. Chatboxes are better for just gossiping and talking than forums are, since threads generally require a set topic to discuss.

I've been on lots of forums that had a (non-Discord) cbox linked on the forum itself, though that would require actually editing the site and Alcar is long-gone, so that might not be a viable option.

Xavier 09-19-2016 11:40 AM

Thanks guys, I'll try not to break everything with those super duper awesome new powers of mine... :p

JayDee 09-19-2016 12:18 PM

Congrats! I want Xav's title when it gets changed to Administrator. None of the privileges or responsibilities, just the nice blue and "Super Moderator" sounds like a C-list Superhero

STM 09-19-2016 12:42 PM

Lmao, look at all the active topics the bots pushed off the front page.

dripik 10-04-2016 02:07 AM


But I think we have a bigger issue. The lack of activity on the forums.

I guess that "trial-by-fire-camaraderie" approach really worked out for this place.

I wanted to resign for ages, but I just couldn't be bothered, so thanks. Fan Corner has been pretty much dead for years now with the exception of the occasional post. I can't relate to anything or anyone here anymore, so it's just as well.

EDIT: My profile still says I'm a mod btw.

Vlam 10-04-2016 09:07 AM


I guess that "trial-by-fire-camaraderie" approach really worked out for this place.

I wanted to resign for ages, but I just couldn't be bothered, so thanks. Fan Corner has been pretty much dead for years now with the exception of the occasional post. I can't relate to anything or anyone here anymore, so it's just as well.

EDIT: My profile still says I'm a mod btw.

See you next year, dripik!

Gunnr 10-04-2016 03:39 PM


Nate 10-04-2016 09:24 PM


EDIT: My profile still says I'm a mod btw.

Whoops. Thanks for reminding me.

Wings of Fire 10-13-2016 06:48 PM

Update: I'm not dead

I thought I owed you all at least that much

Crashpunk 10-14-2016 04:34 AM

I remember you!

Your Wings of Fire!

Nepsotic 10-14-2016 05:07 AM

What about his Wings of Fire?

Varrok 10-14-2016 06:42 AM

He remembers them.

Nate 10-14-2016 10:42 PM


Update: I'm not dead

I thought I owed you all at least that much

I tried to send you a message on Facebook to let you know. Thought you should hear it from me and not be surprised when you visited.

You should get on Facebook chat more. :)