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Phylum 06-10-2018 04:14 AM

Which Forum Theme Do You Use 2018
Hey guys it's been a while since we had this classic discussion where we all tell people who use Honeybee to fuck themselves so here we go!!!

I use industrial, it has the best text contrast.

Phoetux 06-10-2018 05:19 AM

Native always, I think it makes the best and most unique visual effect for the forums

STM 06-10-2018 10:04 AM

Native master race. I've used this theme since 2018 and jesus christ that's 10 years...

OddjobAbe 06-10-2018 10:52 AM

I prefer Industrial. Always have. Always will.

The catch is, I use Native, because it's default and I rarely log on nowadays

Nate 06-10-2018 06:27 PM

I hate you all.

Littleleeroy 06-10-2018 11:31 PM

How do you change themes yolo. Everything looks dark green on mine - probs Native cause Abe and Elum are in cover image and Paramonia stuff too. Either way, mine is best theme stfu if you disagree

OddjobAbe 06-11-2018 02:31 AM


I hate you all.

To be fair, this is the hottest thread I've seen in a while


How do you change themes yolo. Everything looks dark green on mine - probs Native cause Abe and Elum are in cover image and Paramonia stuff too. Either way, mine is best theme stfu if you disagree

Drop down box in the bottom left corner of the page. Click it, select "Munch's Oddysee". You're welcome.

Phoetux 06-11-2018 02:43 AM


select "Munch's Oddysee".

Oh no

OddjobAbe 06-11-2018 02:54 AM

I know it's not as strong as Industrial, but it's still one of the best.

STM 06-11-2018 07:21 AM


How do you change themes yolo.

You don't. Native or die.

Auriel 06-11-2018 09:26 AM

Now I really want to know whos exactly idea the "honeybee" theme was.

Varrok 06-11-2018 10:10 AM

I'd use SlogBait's Necrum theme...

...if somebody actually bothered uploading it to FTP to make it work.

Out of the two most popular ones we have today, I prefer the good one, instead of Industrial.

CravenKnight 06-11-2018 10:24 AM

industrial 4eva


Native master race. I've used this theme since 2018 and jesus christ that's 10 years...

i knew it. i knew you were a time traveller.

in other news i found Pilot in the 1940's


OddjobAbe 06-11-2018 10:39 AM

Pilot did enjoy tinkering with his electronics a bit too much from what I remember, I wouldn't be surprised if he faxed himself back into '45 or whatever

kjjcarpenter 06-11-2018 12:00 PM

Native. Although the background “design” has not translated very well to modern software. Slog Bait once explained to me that it’s because said “design” amounts to single pixel bars piled on top of each other, which creates the infamous seize effect when scrolling. Ingenuity at it’s finest.

Maybe it used to do that shit years ago too. I honestly can’t remember.

My wife uses Honeybee. I don’t know why. :fuzconf:

Varrok 06-11-2018 12:38 PM


Native. Although the background “design” has not translated very well to modern software. Slog Bait once explained to me that it’s because said “design” amounts to single pixel bars piled on top of each other, which creates the infamous seize effect when scrolling. Ingenuity at it’s finest.

You'll thank me later.


My wife uses Honeybee. I don’t know why. :fuzconf:
Make her stop.

Phoetux 06-11-2018 01:02 PM

Yeah make her stop. Too much bees might be dangerous :D

STM 06-12-2018 03:32 AM

Did somebody say...bees?

Phoetux 06-12-2018 05:29 AM

I regret nothing

Gunnr 06-12-2018 12:10 PM

I've had Munch's Oddysee for ages, just recently changed it to Industial. It's like my eyes are seeing light for the first time 0.0

Littleleeroy 06-12-2018 08:23 PM


Drop down box in the bottom left corner of the page. Click it, select "Munch's Oddysee". You're welcome.

Are you actually trying to make me kms because that theme is horrendous. Industrial is ok but no, Native for life. The real roots of Oddworld.

Havoc 06-13-2018 11:13 AM

We're really doing this again?

Native Master Race.

moxco 06-14-2018 09:52 PM

I use native. I like the honey bee colour scheme but everything insisting on filling the entire width of the screen doesn't really go well with 16:9 aspect ratio.

CravenKnight 06-15-2018 02:51 PM

if you want to feel like you've died and gone to some kind of afterlife then use the vbulletin theme. everything is white. fucks my eyes up proper.

the profiles and shit are fixed on it though. other things aren't.

Nepsotic 07-07-2018 03:09 PM

In my opinion, the blue, AKA "Industrial" theme works the best on modern monitor systems. The dynamic contrast of the theme combined with the intricacy of dark blue tones creates an objectively better and crafted experience tailored to those whom choose to see it.
A better question to those who choose reluctance over action is this:
"Which theme best represents you as the dynamic wavelength of Human Beings?"

This is a classic example of the Locomotive Act in action(or motion).

You'll thank me later.

Stitchlips25 07-07-2018 10:02 PM

Industrial Theme cause I like the shade of blue

Alf Shall Rise 07-26-2018 11:41 AM

They're all ugly

if i'm at work and i sign on then i use vbulletin so nobody can see those ugly fuckers that are on each banner.

Stitchlips25 07-26-2018 12:36 PM


They're all ugly

if i'm at work and i sign on then i use vbulletin so nobody can see those ugly fuckers that are on each banner.

You think so?

Alf Shall Rise 07-26-2018 01:25 PM

yeah yeah. but honestly at this point, they're too iconic. would this place be the same without them?

Stitchlips25 07-26-2018 09:35 PM


yeah yeah. but honestly at this point, they're too iconic. would this place be the same without them?

Considering this forum has been around since before I was born, No I don't think it would

Nepsotic 07-27-2018 02:46 PM

It's mad that. People who weren't even born when the site was up are now signing up and posting.
OWF has officially been around for generations.

OddjobAbe 07-27-2018 04:55 PM

Think of the detrimental effect it's had on so many young minds. A true atrocity of the modern age.

Stitchlips25 07-27-2018 10:30 PM


Nepsotic 07-27-2018 11:44 PM

I'm proud to have been a part of this nightmare