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EVP_Glukkon 03-25-2022 09:37 PM

I came here to get into the most audacious and absurd arguments possible, and challenge myself to formulate arguments to counter/debate others.

I enjoy the attention, I enjoy the absurdity. Initially it was a free-for all here, but over time people started to get too personal. I started to realize how truly far gone some people here were.

Make no mistake, I am not the only user here that thinks the way that I do, but I am the only one who is bold enough to admit as such. And my weakness is seeing wrongs go unchallenged.

I see myself as a champion of sorts to the people, the 'silent right' I call them. Don't even begin to guess who, you'll never figure them out and it gives me no pleasure to reveal either. They come from all walks, but lack the urge or conviction to challenge the woke status quo here. But I do, gladly.

Every argument, every troll attempt, I relish at the attention.

You think you got me? You wouldn't know where to begin.. You think my long posts or admissions seek acceptance? they serve only to entertain my lust for attention and drama, to please me and no other.

I laugh at my own jokes, I laugh at my own statements, arguments. I am my biggest fan, and my worst critic.

I had hoped/anticipated a final debate of sorts, yet you assumed I wanted acceptance instead, to think for a moment that I would hold such sentiment for the opinion of others here, was laughable.

With such revelations comes an end to these characters, along with such narcissistic behavior. My enjoyment has run it's course and I have started to view debating with you and your kin as a toxic and degrading practice unbefitting of my age and time spent.

enchilado 03-25-2022 10:09 PM

You probably mean "its course"; "it's" is a contraction of "it is".

Manco 03-26-2022 03:23 AM



I don't think anyone's particularly interested in seriously debating someone who's so completely and utterly insufferable, so uh congratulations I guess?

Also, it's spelled hetero.

STM 03-26-2022 03:41 AM

Mate we've all debated people that are more insufferable for much less on this site.


I laugh at my own jokes, I laugh at my own statements, arguments. I am my biggest fan, and my worst critic.

Sigma attitude.

Manco 03-26-2022 03:49 AM


Mate we've all debated people that are more insufferable for much less on this site.

And we've all learned from that experience.

Well, most of us have.

RoryF 03-26-2022 06:37 AM


Sigma attitude.

Sigma *odditude.

Oddey 03-26-2022 06:51 AM

This is the best season finale we've ever seen. All because I had a dream about OWF.

SlashClaw 03-26-2022 07:03 AM

the fuck happened over the last like 24 hours

RoryF 03-26-2022 07:15 AM


This is the best season finale we've ever seen. All because I had a dream about OWF.

the question has to be asked now though: do you ever dream about Quake? bunnyhopping through oddeymaps?

Nepsotic 03-26-2022 08:36 AM

who dreams about quake? what a loooser get a life idiot!

Auriel 03-26-2022 10:03 AM


This is the best season finale we've ever seen. All because I had a dream about OWF.

please dream about the next ASOIAF book next. we need your clairvoyance

RoryF 03-26-2022 10:45 AM


who dreams about quake? what a loooser get a life idiot!

Nepsotic is a posh, English, queen. He has his own dick up his arse.

MA 03-26-2022 03:40 PM

fuckin oddworld.

Nepsotic 03-26-2022 11:17 PM

oddworld fan forum kind of selects for weirdos doesn't it

Oddey 03-26-2022 11:19 PM


the question has to be asked now though: do you ever dream about Quake? bunnyhopping through oddeymaps?

Not Quake as such, but I do dream about bunnyhopping at mach 1 sometimes.

Manco 03-27-2022 01:28 PM


Not Quake as such, but I do dream about bunnyhopping at mach 1 sometimes.

I feel like this is probably a fairly common experience, but only Quake fans would consider it a dream instead of a nightmare.

Wil 03-27-2022 05:02 PM

I can't believe our forum made by queers for a series about oppression became woke. 😱

moxco 03-27-2022 09:42 PM


I can't believe our forum made by queers for a series about oppression became woke. 😱

This is revisionism; don't let them trick you EVP! Did you know this website was founded by a transwoman called Sydney? She was driven out by a group of concerned mods who wanted to make sure the forums reflected the good honest family values that the Oddworld games represent.

You're in good comapny :beer:

Nepsotic 03-27-2022 11:14 PM

*vaguely gestures towards imagined hypocrisy*

Nate 04-05-2022 08:00 PM


The oldest posts I can find are from the 13th of April, 2001. So assuming some sort of yearly vbulletin licensing or server renewal, it'll be before that anniversary?

Nope. I didn't even know that was the forumavverssary.


Reported to admins, the button still works (somewhat)

I didn't get the email though, so I guess it doesn't work that much.


I fucking love that there's beef right at the end of the forum's life.

I didn't read all of it because who cares, but can we at least appreciate the irony that Nepsotic is criticising someone for being transphobic?

Nepsotic 04-06-2022 12:35 AM

yeah when someone changes their opinions for the better it's hypocrisy and you should chastise them for it

Manco 04-06-2022 01:49 AM

Irony isn't hypocrisy. But we all* appreciate you changing for the better.

*Some exclusions may apply.

STM 04-06-2022 05:41 AM

No exclusions. We love nice, kind Nepsotic.

Nate 04-08-2022 07:27 PM


yeah when someone changes their opinions for the better it's hypocrisy and you should chastise them for it


Irony isn't hypocrisy.


I mean, there's lots of folk on here who've grown and are deeply embarrased by their old posts. And I find them amusing too.

Wil 04-10-2022 02:42 PM

Remember scrabtrapman? I'd hate to have that posting history available for anyone to find.

Manco 04-10-2022 02:45 PM

Can't be any worse than that buncible guy.

Varrok 04-11-2022 12:10 AM

Remember Oddhunter?

MA 04-11-2022 09:38 AM

the posts i made a few days ago embarrass me never mind ten or more fucking years ago. holy crap.

STM 04-11-2022 12:24 PM


Remember scrabtrapman? I'd hate to have that posting history available for anyone to find.

I have come to forgive my younger self. Someone had to.

Alf Shall Rise 04-11-2022 01:34 PM

i'm embarrassed by my posts as i'm typing them.