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Bullet Magnet 10-10-2012 05:36 AM

Eye colour, voice, posture, how aroused the beatings make them...

Connell 10-10-2012 07:53 AM

At a last resort... I did mention using the New N' Tasty as a subheading... does that make me eligible for a credit? :'(

Wil 10-10-2012 08:59 AM

If you submitted it via the suggestion form, you should already have been emailed.

Connell 10-10-2012 11:22 AM

Nope, I merely suggested it on here. Damn!

Crashpunk 10-10-2012 12:22 PM

Well you get nothing! You lose!

Good day sir!

Connell 10-10-2012 02:14 PM


Well you get nothing! You lose!

Good day sir!

This is just like the time I went to that fucking chocolate factory.

Holy Sock 10-11-2012 04:01 PM

It would be nice some of the larger Oddworld mythos sprinkled throughout the game. Mentions to Lady Margaret, Sam etc. Perhaps even a few AE references.


Yeah, like the NPCs in SW. Dear god, I wanted to rip my ears out after a while.

Oh no, I completely agree. As Xavier said they could be unique conversations. Few and far between. Just to switch things up. Add a little depth to the different Oddworld species.


Well, you can express their hesitation through speech, so the mudokons could just sound uncertain when they respond to the "follow me" command but their response time won't change.

I know we're done with the suggesting ideas thing and all, but since we're talking about the character interactions, it'd be pretty amusing if the responses changed depending on your quarma. Say you're going for black quarma. The sligs could still act hostile but their speech would change to sound like they approve of what Abe's doing. Meanwhile the mudokons don't sound too happy to see Abe because words gotten out that he's been offing everyone, but in the slight chance they might be able to escape will follow him anyways. The speech could continue to be reluctant.

Obviously the opposite would happen if you had good or neutral quarma.

It's a fun idea to toy around with that probably won't happen for New n' Tasty, but could happen in future games in the quintology.

This sounds like a pretty interesting idea.


Way to yoink my idea and several others and call it your own.:banghead:


Way to think that your shitty idea is worth worrying about to begin with, and assuming that you're the only genius on the planet who could come up with an idea this stupid.

Exactly. Two people can come up with the same fantastic idea. I don't read these forums very much.

Clannfear 10-11-2012 10:05 PM

What I can say after seeing the pre-alpha footage, bird portal should have better sound (I mean more powerful). For now, it sounds a little bit too soft (if I can describe it). Also, slig animation is good but in some way - a little bit funny (I mean, run animation).

Fred The Fuzzle 10-11-2012 10:32 PM


What I can say after seeing the pre-alpha footage, bird portal should have better sound (I mean more powerful). For now, it sounds a little bit too soft (if I can describe it). Also, slig animation is good but in some way - a little bit funny (I mean, run animation).

As many have said those are just placeholder effects and assets, they are set to change in the future.

Haruka 11-02-2012 04:52 AM

When I watched on YouTube the video footage, the game is going better than what I was imagining, even with the screenshots (I just noticed that Abe's climbing was kinda strange when I compare with the original game). Can't wait to see the final result. Is the company considering later to release a public demo?

Nepsotic 11-02-2012 06:06 AM

I can't imagine why not, but not for some time.

V_O_T 11-02-2012 06:28 AM


When I watched on YouTube the video footage, the game is going better than what I was imagining, even with the screenshots (I just noticed that Abe's climbing was kinda strange when I compare with the original game). Can't wait to see the final result. Is the company considering later to release a public demo?

Yeah, during the live stream of munches oddysee they mentioned a demo for it later next year.

Haruka 11-02-2012 10:58 AM

Good news then!

Steamer_KING 11-02-2012 11:12 AM


Yeah, during the live stream of munches oddysee they mentioned a demo for it later next year.

If I'm not mistaken, Stewart said it was For E3.

Jango 11-12-2012 01:24 PM

I must say, this thing does look really awesome. Can't wait to see it for Christmas 2013! :)

SokoStark 11-13-2012 02:30 PM

Wow, I am simply... Mesmerized! The graphics look amazing and I can only wonder how grand it will be seeing the Paramonian forests in 3D. I am so glad that the HD remake idea I've had for such a long time will actually come true. The balance so far seems just right regarding changing the puzzles as necessary because of the moving camera, the core elements all seem intact and the spirit is definitely present. This is going to be a great game!

There is only one thing that's bugging me, and it's a matter of taste. I'm talking about the orange haze in the background and foreground. Guys, I simply think it is overdone. New 'n' tasty looks much grander in scale because of the new tech and camera, but I think that the backgrounds should remain fairly true to the original. While watching the pre-alpha footage I was under the impression that everything was orange, like I was staring at the screen through some kind of fog! It is very evident here:


I really liked the dark areas of RuptureFarms and I think we shouldn't lose them completely. Sure, RF is a busy environment that can now be brought to us in full light thanks to the new engine, but it should have certain contrasts, certain dark parts which look mysterious and frightening. Maybe the video quality is low so I'm not getting the full picture, but the point is, I would love to see some more contrast.

I just thought I'd put my thoughts out here, not try to influence anyone to my opinion. I am not frequent on these forums at all but I am a huge Oddworld fan.

Thank you all, b bye :)

abe is now! 11-15-2012 11:35 AM

Will it be available on Steam and when?

Varrok 11-15-2012 11:56 AM

When it's done (no exact date, obviously) and yes, why not.

STM 11-15-2012 12:26 PM

Varrok there, speaking with complete backing from JAW.

Varrok 11-15-2012 12:46 PM

Yes, why not

Havoc 11-15-2012 05:09 PM


Varrok there, speaking with complete backing from JAW.

Steam is one of the primary platforms they will be releasing it on. Surely you know how big of a boner Lorne gets for DD platforms. Steam is the only one available given their history with EA.

Andrelvis 11-16-2012 01:23 AM


Steam is one of the primary platforms they will be releasing it on. Surely you know how big of a boner Lorne gets for DD platforms. Steam is the only one available given their history with EA.

What about Gamersgate?

Crashpunk 11-16-2012 02:22 AM

What about Origin? ...

Oh man I couldn't type that with straight face.

Wil 11-16-2012 02:23 AM

It's is far too early to be thinking about which stores we'll be stocking in, beyond "Any we can".

Paul 11-17-2012 04:33 AM


Steam is one of the primary platforms they will be releasing it on. Surely you know how big of a boner Lorne gets for DD platforms. Steam is the only one available given their history with EA.

Hopefully the engine has a Linux port too :(

Varrok 11-17-2012 04:37 AM

There's MacOSX support, but I can see no Linux. That's confusing

Phylum 11-17-2012 12:28 PM

What's confusing about that?

Varrok 11-17-2012 12:37 PM

They're technically very similar OSes, it's weird if it's only compatible with one but not with the other one

Nate 11-17-2012 02:17 PM

The base OSes are similar, but I believe that the graphics APIs are quite different.

V_O_T 11-17-2012 10:55 PM

So speaking of New'N'Tasty, i'd assume the staff are on NDA's. But, is there any new info we can squeeze out of you Wil? Like, I dunno, hows progress going? Progressing eh what?