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This is What I Want, Motherfcker Make It Happen For Me

Posted 08-29-2015 at 05:03 PM by JayDee
Hey Folks, long time no speak.

Honestly, I'm not sure why I felt the need to come back here besides the lingering fear that should I unexpectedly die I may be forced to live in limbo until all my unfinished business is no longer unfinished. And who amongst you isn't terrified that the crossword you put down and never finished will be the one thing preventing your soul from ascending this earthly realm?

Anywho, a lot of things have happened since I left. I'm not sure if I did return sporadically or not but I took a break from the forums to focus more on me after a terrible breakup with an ex of over 2 years. Those of you who follow me on social media will probably know a little bit about this, and I even got advice from this very forum's own grumpy old man on dealing with it all. But I'm back now and making progress in my own life.

As of now my life is a countdown to 3 weeks when I start university. I'm happy to be doing a Bachelor's Degree in Games Design at Leeds Beckett (One short bus ride from the JAW Offices!) I'm going to be moving out of home and starting a new chapter of my life, and I couldn't be happier about it. The first semester starts with 2D Game Development and the final semester finishes with 3D Game Development, and I'll be learning conceptual, coding, and production techniques in between.

Kip's Oddysee. Yes, that's a thing that I said I'd do and some of the unfinished business I'm scared will trap me in purgatory. I can't plan for how my course will go or if I'll even be allowed to produce full games as part of my coursework but I have made sure to keep all the data and resources related to Kip's Oddysee safe just in case. Whether this will be the death or rebirth of Kip's Oddysee I'll just have to wait and see.

I'm not sure how many times I've tried to stay regular to this forum but I'm hoping it'll be a little more or less frequently than my bowel movements. Stay regular folks, I'll think of you when I poop.
Total Comments 2


Varrok's Avatar
Honestly, I'm not sure why I felt the need to come back here besides the lingering fear that should I unexpectedly die I may be forced to live in limbo until all my unfinished business is no longer unfinished. And who amongst you isn't terrified that the crossword you put down and never finished will be the one thing preventing your soul from ascending this earthly realm?
I am not, because it simply cannot happen. Guilt and justice are human constructs that do not exist in nature, and theistic religions (by the very definition of religion, as something we mistake of truth despite having no evidence) are not the correct representation of what happens/happened/will happen to us. Therefore no unfinished business will make you wait in the limbo, because there will not be any limbo.

I hope it does make you feel a bit better. It did make me feel better when I realised this.
Posted 08-30-2015 at 12:06 AM by Varrok

STM's Avatar
Are you actually engaged rn, or is that a cutise joke between you and the knew girl?

Also I was so pissed at you for like two days when I saw your new girlfie's name and thought you re-hooked up with your ex.

Posted 08-30-2015 at 02:23 PM by STM


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