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Oh, dubstep, you devil you...

Posted 11-26-2008 at 03:12 AM by Killy
Watch or die. Mmm... so fucking good.

It's been a busy day, and it's about to get even busier. Lunch break is almost over. I think it's about time I wen-- ohshi.
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I got lucky...

Posted 09-19-2008 at 07:49 AM by Killy
...or maybe not. Just received a copy of AO, but it's a very, very used copy of the Infogrames Value Series version. I'll be damned if it even loads, let alone works properly. Time will tell, but at least I have what it takes to upgrade the rips, I guess.

It'll be fun to work on new rips of the games, but I won't be able to produce anything for another half a year or so.

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A song that I've been looking for...

Posted 08-14-2008 at 01:53 PM by Killy
...for a very, very long time. <3

I'm flying away
Running like the wind
As I chase the sun
Up spinning around
Circles in my mind
Sailing over ground

Hope you all enjoy as much as I am right now.
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Posted 07-13-2008 at 10:13 AM by Killy
...and I'm off to a well-deserved vacation. I'll see you all around, hope you have a great 50% remaining of summer.

Take care.
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Some minor progress

Posted 06-17-2008 at 05:06 PM by Killy
Well, things have worked out pretty OK lately, I passed two of my finals which means I'll be getting a little bit of vacation after all. I also got out of surgery 2 weeks ago and the wound is healing up pretty good, I'm back on my feet and walking works fine. Other than that, I've been doing an excellent job lurking around here.

The Munch's Oddysee rip is nearing completion in terms of recording, but editing will definitely take a while and I'm not sure about the arranging as it seems...
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A small update

Posted 05-21-2008 at 04:02 PM by Killy
About half of Munch's Oddysee has been recorded, but there's plenty of editing that still needs to be taken care of.

Here's a sample of a new mix for the first level called 'SpooceShrub Forest'. I don't think I ever posted the first mix, but that doesn't really matter - this one is better. Note that this version may not be final, if you guys think anything needs to be changed do let me know.

And another sample (Oh I'm generous,...
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Posted 05-11-2008 at 05:40 PM by Killy
Tired, exhausted, tarnished, fed up. I can consider myself damn lucky if I manage to pass 4 exams before summer break. Maybe I'll get my vacation then, or maybe not.

Do. not. want. to. study. all. summer. like. last. year. again.

Gah, these 5 years best be worth it.
Мајко и оче, и вама ће доћи болја времена.
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A taste of things to come.

Posted 05-05-2008 at 09:14 AM by Killy
Started working on the MO rip 2 days ago. There's alot of work to be done and editing takes quite a while. I've managed to finish the first mix of what seems to be many, though I'm not sure what more the game has in store for me music-wise.

Since I was unable to open the .dls files, and they're sequenced - I'm forced to do a line-in recording of all the samples I can acquire - and then mix them myself. Furthermore, the music is dynamic, so I'll have to record everything every time...
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Yes, I made the same kind of mistake as I did once before.

Posted 05-02-2008 at 05:41 AM by Killy
I recorded through the microphone input while ripping Oddworld Abe's Exoddus. Well, not all of it, but at least one song is in mono, which is to say - rerip needed. Which is good after all, because I always wanted to rerip Oddysee - not Exoddus though... Guess I'll have to do both.

It's not a problem, seeing as I actually know what I'm doing now and I can avoid these kind of mistakes, but I guess a simple brainfart came in somewhere along the line and I messed up. The Oddysee rerip...
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Current favorite songs - Youtube links

Posted 05-01-2008 at 04:58 PM by Killy
Here's a little something for those of you that might be on the lookout for some new music. Who knows, it might surprise you!

Adam Tensta ft. Sophia Somajo - Before U Know It

Veronica Maggio - MÃ¥ndagsbarn

Other than that, I've been working on this report which is due Monday. I'm working on a stress-analysis of a bridge using FEA and a nice little program called Trinitas. Sweet stuff, just have a little more to add to the report and hopefully it'll be...
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